I was listening to talk radio the other day and they were discussing the Muslims who were taken off an American Airlines flight (I believe that was the airline) because they were praying publicly prior to the flight. One of the individuals, an Imam, who was on the flight was being interviewed and in the defense of what he called "moderate Islam" proclaimed there is a movement against Islam, and specifically mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses handing out a flyer where they directly misquote the Koran to implicate all Muslims in 9/11. Is this in the new "The End of False Religion is Near" tract? Have the Witnesses inadvertently opened a can of worms and found themselves in some real hot water? They've been slamming other religions for so long with relative impunity, but I think this time they've touched on a hot topic, very ill-informed (or sloppily researched as usual) and I'm not sure if this will be brushed aside by those who need the PR (specifically the Muslim community). Anyone heard anything about this?