Hmmm… is the “light getting brighter” or is it flickering?
Lets look at one example…
Sodomites getting resurrected: (maybe depending on the time you lived)
"The men of Sodom will be resurrected." (Watchtower 7/1879, p. 8).
"The men of Sodom will not be resurrected." (WT, 6/1/1952, 338).
"The men of Sodom will be resurrected." (WT, 8/1/1965, p. 479).
"The men of Sodom will not be resurrected." (WT, 6/1/1988, p.,31).
The men of Sodom. will be resurrected." (You Can Live 'Forever on Paradise-On Earth early editions,p.179).
"Men of Sodom will not be resurrected." (You Can Live 'Forever on Paradise-On Earth- later editions, p. 179).
"The men of Sodom will be resurrected." (Insight On The Scriptures, Vol. p. 985).
"The men of Sodom will -not, be resurrected." (Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand, p. 273).
Now I can understand someone changing their view to be more accurate to correct themselves, but this example is absurd. Is the light getting brighter or do we have an example of it being turned on and off. (it's flickering). And this is just ONE example.