Has anybody been lucky enough to get a Wii. I had one reserved at Toys R Us and picked up on launch day. It is a lot of fun. I highly recomend it.
Nintendo Wii
by jrjr4189 15 Replies latest jw friends
I'm getting a Wii first over a PS3. $600 dollars? Sony lost its damn mind.
I wouldn't say that Sony has lost their mind. The new PS3 in the $600 version is also set-up for hd-dvd....have you ever priced an hd-dvd player? Yes, Sony is taking a gamble, but if Blue-ray takes off like they expect, and probably will....who will be on top...again?
Price an X-Box 360 or a Wii AND an HD-DVD player and see what it costs.
i got 2, ebayed one of them. its a blast though. havent really started on zelda yet but have played about 20 hours of wii sports. i got my average on bowling up to about 180.
The Wii does look great fun - Nintendo has really focused on gaming and doing something innovative. It's the perfect compliment to the XBox 360 IMO (for serious next gen games like Gears of War) which the kids will probably play a lot and you can get them both for the price of a Sony "we can't make batteries or cameras that work but spent a lot of time on our root-kit" PS3
Blue Ray? Waste of time - Yes, there will be uber-geeks who buy the latest things so it will sell a few. However, there is no mass market demand for it IMO, it is a company trying to sell a product that no one has asked for.
Going from VHS/Tape to DVD was a huge leap. Going from DVD to slightly better DVD is a hard sell. Most people don't really care about quality that much - did the higher quality CDs take off? No. People want convenience and good enough quality at a reasonable price.
DVD Player... $30 compared to $600+ (!!) to play Blue Ray? No thank you Mr Sony.
Who has lots of DVDs they bought and never watch? The future is not owning a disc but downloading it on demand.
However, if people do want to own something then HD-DVD is the better bet IMO. The discs can be played in normal DVD players (think kids room, car etc...) so you only need to buy one and dont have to support multiple formats in your house (ie. protect current investment). People can then lend films between DVD and HD-DVD owning friends. The shop only has to sell a single version (less confusion) and people could actually build up a collection before they buy a new player (they should price them the same as current DVDs).
Also, Sony has a history of failed formats: BetaMax, MiniDisk, UMD, Memory Stick ... now BlueRay.
I think the Wii looks pretty sweet, I'm hoping that in February or March they will be more readily available.
The tech-pundits have been giving cautiously-worded eulogies for Nintendo ever since the XBox came out, but Nintendo keeps hanging around. The DS has continued to be a good seller for them in spite of the PSP supposedly being far superior in this or that way. And I think the Wii will do much the same in spite of the PS3's technological superiority.
Good job Nintendo for recognizing that there's a lot of interest in gaming outside of the hardcore community, but that the current systems with their 20-button controllers and games that require a PhD to master are just too damn much for a more casual gamer like myself. I mean, I don't have days and days to put into an RPG game or SOCOM or whatever. I just want something to plug in and have fun with, and I think that there are a lot of people like me. Kudos to Nintendo for recognizing this.
I agree with Simon about Blu-ray technology. Extending the life of the disc is not what people are already demanding through internet use. 400+ GB HD's are now common and dl'ng a 4GB movie from an on-demand website isn't a huge deal anymore. Sony is always trying to screw everyone pushing a proprietory technology, creating their own market share, and I just don't see Blu-ray taking off like they hope for, and this is why: selling Blu-ray based on increased disc capacity is a losing game. Disc capacity isn't a huge problem, even with just dual-layer DVD's; plenty for most purposes. Selling Blu-ray based on higher transfer speeds is also a losing game, since it's still a seperate drive, off the HD. IMO, the wave of the future is to have everything on ONE DISK, that way transfer speeds are a moot point beyond HD transfer speeds and the usual RAM and bus speed stuff.
In any case, I HOPE Sony loses big over this because I'm tired of their crap. IMO the Blu-ray technology is more about the industry demand, where they want more secure media. But how does this satisfy consumer demand? It doesn't, its just another way for consumers to get screwed chasing another redundant format. There's plenty of other companies out there willing to forgo the security issue and satisfy our demand for open-ended, versitle, cheap products, ready to undermine Sony's market share.
seymour: yeah, that's nice that it has blu-ray, but the ps3 could've also been sold as a ps3/fridge hybrid, but why do people buy new systems? in my case, it's to play games. and yeah, sony gave the ps2 the ability to play dvds, but the difference is that DVDs had been around for a while while blu-ray is something new and it's not even known at this point if it's going to be the next standard.
I think you're right about Nintendo DanTheMan ... they got a bit arrogant but seemed to have learnt the lesson and the DS and Wii are for GAMES.
I had a PSP and the kids had DS's ... the PSP is a great piece of hardware - but I sold it, I just didn't use it. Go figure! The DS you can just pick up and play. The games were better.
I think Sony have lost it. They have become too arrogant and have not delivered and try to be too controlling.
Blue Ray capacity is all about making films 50Gb so they can't be copied and downloaded. What the F*** do I care about them wanting to store a disc uncompressed? Why should I "invest" $600+ to protect their gravy train so they can rip me off?
I'd rather watch HD TV on demand on XBox live or NTL and never buy another movie disc again (except for kids cartoons which get worn out).
We sold the XBox 1 and game (Xmas is a good time for eBay !) and will be buying a Wii for the kids (and me!) in the new year.
Oh, and Sony suck big time for the fiasco of a launch. An unfinished console released in dribs and drabs with Europe now maybe having to wait till next autumn for it? XBOX 360 & Live kicks the PS3's big blue butt :-)
Does anybody remember the Panasonic 3DO? Sony should. Sony's $199 price tag buried the 3DO's overpriced media extravaganza (700 dollars).
Lesson learned: Nobody pays a lot of money for expensive multimedia video game systems. Ps3 has a danger of becoming this generation's 3DO.