They say "The Truth" changes people from nasty, wicked people to meek, honest hearted "ones". Now that you're out of "The Truth", are you back to your old ways?? Did "The Truth" ever really change you???
Are YOU Basically The Same Person Now As When You Were A Witness?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Minimus,
I am basically the same as far as my personality goes. I just no longer carry the baggage of guilt, judgmentalism, and super-silly righteousness. I am much happier, enjoy life, and find that God is much nore real and easier to be close to now that I am out of the organization. If by changes one means the things I do ... well, I celebrate brithdays, holidays, Christmas, smoked until my heart attack, but now enjoy a fine cigar once or twice a year (don't inhale cigars), I vote, and engage in some limited political activity, I read anything I want, and most of all I go to Church ... the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches, and will visit any other Church ... most recently Lutheran.
Jim Whitney
Jim, by your words, you seem like a regular guy. To a JW, they'd say, "See!! He returned to his vomit, just like the scripture says!"......It IS wonderful not having to worry about accountability to any mere human who pretends to act for God.
Good question Minny! I actually like myself better now! I am now using my own conscience for decisions.
I find I absolutely LOVE people, so that makes life so much more enjoyable (instead of viewing them as enemies and walking corpses for gods sakes)
My whole concept of SIN has changed so dramatically I cant believe it! That has been a great relief to my heart and soul! The small narrow mean pinched view of life I learned from the Watchtower Society has disappeared and been replaced by a very appreciative heart and an excitement about life and its many miracles and wonders.
I feel like I have my life back again! I feel like ME again! The sadness of the dfing and the loss of the JW relatives and all that has been replaced by JOY AND GLADNESS AND THE THRILL OF FREEDOM!!
I was a born-in, but I've changed SO much since I became an adult and left....for the better! I was shy and timid as a Dub, never speaking up, and deferring to my Father, the "head of the family." Therefore, I learned late how to make decisions and to voice my opinions. It took awhile for my personality to emerge, because I always stayed in the background and didn't realize I had opinions!
Now, I'm assertive about my needs and opinions, and don't let anyone push me around. If I don't like something, or want to go somewhere, I can say so. I am physically much healthier, and mentally too! The only one I try to please, is my husband, and he's happy if I'm happy. No persnickety body of elders and all the snippy wives, and cliquish kids. Who needs it?
I am still compassionate, and honest, nd I think I'm a pretty decent, moral person. Yes, you can be all those things, and not attend the Kinkdumb Hall, who'd have thought?
I'm basically the same pain in the rear I have always been. Now instead of targeting hypocritical elders, I aim at a larger target. I'm involved in a few do-good projects.
Heavens, if I had stayed the same person for the 50 years I was a JW, i would have never left It was because of all the gradual changes that I finally left.
I have thought about this often....I feel like I am even BETTER than I was when I was a dub. Then I think about the things I would get DF'd for if I tried to pretend to go back. Tatoo's, drinking beer,swearing,watching any movie I want,sex(any way we want)with my husband,holidays,going to a worldly church,not accepting things just cause they say so,worldly friends, basically...not feeling guilty for being a normal person. (They hate that!)
Funny, the elders told my mother that if I evere "came back to the Truth", they would "deal" with me then---suggesting, if needed, judicially. I told my mom, "Why would I EVER want to go back to THAT?"-----Anewme, I enjoyed your contagious enthusiasm!!......It's so nice to see that we "apostates" are better off than ever!
I am a better person, I am involved with helping my community people in my town like me now. My wife is President of local united organized organization in our area.{This group brings all groups like the local Chambers of Commerces and committees like parks and recreations etc... together under one united direction}
I like the fact I am not juggmental and my time is spent with my family that is still young and we do things together now not draging their asses to the Hall.
Much better person, I like who I am.
Backed away
Same person as before, I had a brief period after I left where I went alittle crazy and wild but that wasn't me inside. I tested the waters because I finally could but eventually came back to being the John I resemble in my mirrors.
We are who we are, people get help, change bad habits, lose weight, etc.. but inside we always come back to the real us.. I tell young people in relationships to start them out being yourself and not what you think the other person expects you to be, you'll have a greater chance of success if they meet the real you right from the beginning. as JW's, we were never able to individuals.