As a DUB, what did you do and hid so as not to stumble anyone?

by megsmomma 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned
    Oh, well then! Mom and I bought Harlequin paperbacks and hid them to read when Dad fell asleep, but I never did anything with an elder's wife! Haha.

    In my congregation, not even the elders did anything with an elder's wife.

    But back to topic, I dabbled in my life-long hobby of anatomy identifiying.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Don't Stumble Me,

    First thing that came to mind was an elderly sister's words to me:

    "Admit you make mistakes so others know you're human, but don't take the lid off the garbage can."

    I'm pretty open about my screw-ups, but you have to be careful what you say to certain people. Even in all innocence they can hurt you. Discreet also means to refrain from revealing, to the harm of others, delicate matters.

    No new revelations,


  • TheHypnoToad

    Well, I wasn't a real good JW. Music was a major thing Rap, Hard Rock, Metal & Very Heavy Metal. Got drunk a few times. Gave booze to ones under 21 (but older than 18). Talked about things which JW's shouldn't.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    All very interesting and familiar. Our family had motorcycles, it was a secret. My dad kept a gun in the truck when we went out in the sticks to ride or camp, that was a double secret. When Pink Floyd sang 'we don't need no education', my mom said it was ok and that my brother could have the album. . .she said it was true that we didn't need secular education, plus the teachers were corrupt like the song says anyways, and THAT was secret decoder-ring secret.

  • hambeak

    Oh I was a very good dub on the outside so pious and riteous. I was dying on the inside about who I really was. A Gay guy! I went to bath houses and felt so dirty and gave a talk the following day about morality and the evils of homosexuality. I felt so suicidal in those days. I really hid it very well. When I came out it was not very well taken. All my family and so called friends thought I would be better off dead. Well I showed them I am still here and doing better than they are.

  • blondie

    I figured that if there was a congregation of 150 and one overly sensitive JW, that I was doing good to keep the 149 happy. There is always one person in the congregation that was stumbled by everything.

    I can remember a brother who felt everyone should be a vegetarian preparation for the new system. I kept eating meat.

    I can remember a CO that felt that sisters should wear nylons in service even in the summer and the temp was 100%. I told him I would wear them if he did (he took off his tie and suitcoat BTW).

    I can remember an elder telling me that my coat was too long and someone was being stumbled by it....I told him to ask them what scripture designated coat lengths...that ended that.

    Getting the picture. I just made sure that what I was doing was what I believed God wanted.


  • Anony-Mouse

    Video games....guh...

    So what if every other character casts fire spells? And every character that doesn't do that chops up people with a sword.

    Amazing thing, mom let me get Final Fantasy 3. She read the back (As always), and thankfully, it goes more into detail with the jobs system and 'conquering evil' than magic.

  • SirNose586

    Oh man, I had to hide pretty much everything. I played--and still play--violent videogames. Goldeneye was my favorite...

    For a time I listened to crappy metal (Korn, etc.). One night, while disturbed and wracked with guilt, I threw away all my violent videogames and depressing music. The experience was nothing short of cathartic. But I got away with a lot of things I would've gotten in trouble for otherwise.

    To this day I still have to hide things....the movies I download, this message board, the videogames I download....the music is more transparent, but yeah. Still rocking a mask.

  • lisavegas420

    My mom read Cosmopolitan Magazine she would take her newest issue to read in the car on the way to the assemblies, then turn them upside down on the floor of the car when we got there so no one could see them and be stumbled.


  • Dismembered
    : As a DUB, what did you do and hide so as not to stumble anyone?

    That Hustler, Penthouse, and Playboy magazines were alot more interesting than were the, (what I believed then) best magazines in the world the Watchtower & Awake.


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