THIS got WT Leaders thrown in Jail

by Tallyman 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makena1

    Tallyman wrote: Point I was making is that ANY time in a Federal Penitentiary is "Hard" time. That Atlanta Jail in 1917-18 was no country club.
    Part of those 9 months of their confinement was during winter months
    and Rutherford caught a case of pneumonia, from which he never
    fully recovered. Later, when he was released, he Vowed Revenge against those who were behind convicting him... something about wanting to take a sword and plunge it into someone's belly and until "Eglon's Excrement" flowed out... (I'd have to look that up)

    Tallyman: I am sure you are right that the prison system in Atlanta in the early 1900's was no countryclub. The pneumonia episode was another that had slipped my mind.

    Thanks Moxy for recalling where I probably read that quote about the tennis game and JFR's worries about his position. Based on your input, I am imagining the prison experience somewhere between "Cool Hand Luke" (what we have here is a failure to communicate) and a prison that happened to have tennis courts? I am not minimizing their confinement - just wanted to refresh my mind with some details that have become rather foggy.

    Interesting posts everyone!!

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Tallyman,

    thnks for the post and the informations.

    Many informations are also found in the book " The JW's in

    the Divine purpose " published in 1958 ...a sort od short

    edition of the "Proclaimers'" book, but od historical value,

    because many things printed there...were not mentioned 35

    years later!

    Btw , Rutherford promised that if he would get elected as president,

    once out of prison , he " would stamp out the creature worship .."

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    In answer to your question:
    b]"How many here would like to see WT Leaders put in Jail, again?"[/b]

    I'm not interested in them going to jail at all.

    If there going to jail would allow more to be free from mind control then how can I not be for it.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • TR

    I think the GB should be sentenced to community service, i.e., work in a Catholic Church's soup kitchen, etc.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Satanus


    GB in jail is a pleasant thought, but what i really think is the right approach is to ban ALL proselytising. No jw, mormon, muslim, christian, or larouchians (you know) allowed to peddle or push their religions, either from door to door or in any public place on pain of a huge fine shared by the org and individual. Let god do his own damm work. He's been resting long enough.


  • ARoarer

    Hi Tally, I agree with you they deserve to go to jail, but I wouldn[t want to see them be go to jail, because it would fire up the R&F to believe they were under persecution and "objects of hatred" on account of his name. I really think I would like the News Media to get a hold of the pictures you posted on the DB. Those pictures of thought control pictures of hate towards the world. They picture a JW type of Bin Laden Holy War with God killing everyone and them smiling as he does it. That is dangerous, David Koresh type teaching to children and terribly damaging emotionially. The News media is ripe for this kind of thinking now. WT Haaaates publicity that exposes them in a negative way that inteferes with their magazine placement. Hit them where the money is. Magazine placements. Bible studies and recruitment of more door to door salesman. If the GB goes to jail, the R&F will be hitting the territories like no tomorrow. My opinion, show the pictures to CNN, Dateline, ABC, and make posters.

  • r51785

    The WT has for many years tried to gain a great deal of sympathy for the jailing of its leaders in 1918 in the USA. The average witness might get the impression that they were singled out for special persecution. But anyone familiar with history knows that a great many "dissidents" were jailed in the USA during the Great War. In fact US Attorney General Palmer used the pretext of the War to wipe out the socialist movement in this country. He jailed Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist Party candidate for president in 1916. The violations of human rights done in the name of the war by President Wilson and Attorney General Palmer is one of the darker parts of US history. Let's hope in the current environment we don't see a repeat!

  • Tallyman

    Well, the polling is going pretty good.

    I don't know, I just figured maybe some of those Old Kult Koots
    would like to see what the inside of a jail cell would be like,
    since they had no reservations sending all those young men who
    refused military service (according to WTDoktrine at the time)
    to jail, as a result of their 'channeled New Light'.

    I think a lot of the young Greek jWs who refused joining the military
    served active jail sentences... uhh, that is, until the Koots got
    a hold of some Newer Light making it all a 'conscience matter'.

    The GB has helped send a lot of the R&F to jail because of their
    damned idiotic doctrine. I remember more than a few here in U.S.
    during the Vietnam war, who spent time in jail as a result of
    "Obeying" these Spiritual Bastards.

    So, as long as the Watchtower Leaders had no qualms about sending
    (or letting them go as a result of their "leadership") R&F jWs to Jail,
    then I figgered maybe they oughta get a little taste of that "martyrdom" they imposed on others...


  • tdogg

    Whoa Saintsatan, easy boy!
    Wait... would that mean telemarketers could call anymore either? If so then Im down with that.

  • TheOldHippie

    So all pacifists are idiots, is that what you said, tallyman, in your first message?

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