Are You a Latitudinarian? (Liberal)

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Latitudinarian, a. liberal in one's views; permitting free thought, especially in RELIGIOUS matters; very tolerant of the differing opinions of others; as, "latitudinarian" opinions or DOCTRINES. [emphasis added]

    Dear Friends of Liberal Persuasion,

    Now, we are all so diverse in thought and belief, yet the majority of us were once "united in word and deed, serving shoulder to shoulder in...." Sorry, a throwback to my idealistic youth. Now released from captivity to relentless rules and regulations and false religious doctrine, do you find that your more liberal outlook is taking you where you want to go? I really need to know! (please)

    In unity, not uniformity,


  • Cellist

    In a word, yes. I'm finding that accepting people for who they are is the best course.

    I'm not really sure what you need to know.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Cellist,

    Yes, accepting people for what they are surely is best! I only want to know because I'm interested in my new friends and how they think. No survey, honest! New ideas, fresh perspectives to help me grow.

    No longer narrow of view,


  • Abandoned

    Thinking liberal is important to me. If there is a judgment day and if I am going to have my whole life examined by superior beings, I truly hope they put more weight on my BEST day than my WORST. That to me is what being liberal is all about. Nobody needs help on their best day. Nobody needs assistance when things are clicking along. But, things don't always click along for everyone. And even those who are very capable have times when they need a push or a pull.

    So, being liberal is recognizing that everyone is on their journey and just because their train pulls into a station I've never considered visting, doesn't mean we couldn't be friends and make a difference in one another's lives.

  • restrangled


    If I am understanding your question, It is very freeing to be liberal as far a religious views go. I am not interested in any organized religion, and I do not adhere to any form of worship nor am I looking for any.

    I find the peace of my back yard, the complexity of the plants I grow, and the joy of my family and pets gives me a sense of god and at this point in my life that this is all I need.

    After years of slavery and angst in a destructive, oppresive organized religion, I have had enough.


  • Carmel

    For me moving away from the position of thinking I was correct and everyone else was misled (JW think) to recognizing that the search for reality is a life long endeavor, plus enrolling in biological sciences led me to realize that what I think is real today may be different tomorrow. I have no right to think I have the final answer to the degree others are "too blind to see". We all evolve, not only in our material existence, but in our intellectual, social and spiritual reality. That said, no matter where I am on my personal journey, others are further along, have different perspectives and all are valuable regardless of who they are, what cultural trappings they are burdened with or what their world view is. I suspect that would be labeled "liberal" in that I am tolerant of others and welcome them into my circle of acquintances as a potential new friend. For this my life has been infinately more rewarding than thinking my cosmology was surperior to any other. Life is wonderful! carmel

  • IP_SEC


  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    I can't speak to the JW part, but overall in life as you get older if you are openminded, you begin to make peace with yourself.

    Thoughts and reality are not something to fear

    Someone famous on their deathbed said "I have no answers....only questions".

    That doesn't scare me. I don't think we are meant to have all the answers.

    I don't think to lead a productive life we need to have all the answers.

  • Confession

    "Liberal" in the stated context? Very much so. It's interesting to look back and realize that I sort of always was--even as a JW, and even as a JW elder. While I was zealous for the organization, I tended to fixate on statements made in WTS literature that reminded us not to be overly judgmental of others--not fully recognizing how, in the big picture, the organization spawned such judgmentalism.

    When friends would approach me about negative things they found on the internet about JWs, for instance, I never snapped at them over this. I always took the position that angry warnings not to read such information or discuss such things demonstrated a lack of confidence in "The Truth." I thought these things were ultimately healthy.

    With reference to the context the word "liberal" is ordinarily used today, some might not find me such. Is it liberal to think government should be smaller and less restrictive on all persons? Is it liberal to think people should be able to keep more of the money they earn? I think so, but many would classify me as "conservative" because of these convictions.

  • gaiagirl

    Yes, very much so. I observe that it is more profitable to discuss a number of different ideas, than to simply follow one concept handed down from someone in self-proclaimed authority. The expression "Variety is the spice of life", applies in a great many areas.

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