I Want To Know The "Truth"

by Undecided 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    There are many people on the earth who think they have the truth. Just look at how many religions there are who think they have the truth. How did they come to that conclusion? Most were indoctrinated from youth because of where they were born and the predominate religion of their society. Some were convinced by some missionary who brought a different idea to their head.

    Many have had some mysterious feeling come over them which convinced them it was some God who decided to give them salvation or some special relationship. Some just look at the universe and imagine some omniscient creature made it all for some unknown reason.

    Others just say,"I'm here, so just enjoy the ride while it last."

    Many have a book written centries ago by some man or men who was inspired by some spirit entity who told them what to write and what we have to do to please this a God.

    How do you make yourself believe any of this stuff without some real proof?

    Ken P.

  • Terry

    Why not just take "belief" and put it in the closet for a year?

    Deal only with the reality around you.

    Take what you see and hear literally. Ask yourself what you are seeing and hearing and feeling and how you might categorize it without resorting to policy statements about good and evil as sacred pronouncements.

    Let's face it. There are only talking heads giving opinions when it comes to religious matters. Some are more polished and forceful when they opine. But then, salesmen use the same sort of persuasive strategies that hit your "hot buttons" and get you to seize some fleeting opportunity based on your emotions rather than your good sense.

    Walk to the other side of the street for awhile and avoid "going out of business sales" such as Jehovah's Witnesses have been conducting since the mid 1800's without ever giving up their lease.

    Look at people in terms of how they value others. JW's don't see the good in others, for example; they see what is wrong in others. They focus on your weakness and keep you down and fearful and then prey upon your insecurity.

    Why spend time with people like that?

    Seek out people who are making something out of their lives on a real level of accomplishment. Successful people come in all shapes, sizes and attitudes, but; they share one thing in common: they are positive people acting to improve their lot in life.

    See negativism as an illness. Talk about what's right with people who see the bright side rather than wallowing in what's wrong and feeling powerless.

    Don't give up your autonomy to a person or group or affiliation. They'll use you, abuse you and when you stand up to them, they'll condemn and abandon you labeling you a troublemaker.

    Be willing to be wrong about things. Seek the company and adviCe of others who are willing to listen and change their mind when the facts call for adjustment.

    Absolute thinking is dangerous thinking, usually, and certitude can be a neurosis when it holds you back from doing what is going to improve your conditions.

    Don't get caught up in either/or. Just make thinking a feeling out discovery and an adventure. If you don't TRY you don't FAIL, but; you don't experience growth either. Growth is essential to the joy of being alive.


  • purplesofa

    NIce post, Terry.


  • Kaput

    How do you make yourself believe any of this stuff without some real proof?

    Sounds like a question we should have asked ourselves before getting wrapped up in the JW quagmire.

  • Undecided

    My life is too far gone to try success in this life, as far as money is concerned. My mind isn't up to the stress involved in business. I'll just try to enjoy what I can in the life that's left for me. I kind of feel like the world is in for a castrophy in the next 50 years or so, another ice age, astroid,volcanic eruption or epidemic of some sort, atomic war or something. I sure hope I am wrong on this feeling.

    Ken P.

  • JH
    I kind of feel like the world is in for a castrophy in the next 50 years or so, another ice age, astroid,volcanic eruption or epidemic of some sort, atomic war or something.

    I feel the same way, but not 50 years, more like 5 or 10.

    I Want To Know The "Truth"

    I also want to know the truth. Is it available? Is it 100% pure or diluted?


    The world wiil always change..That is a catastrophy for many people..Learn to live with change..Enjoy your children and grandchildren..Have a beer..Send me all your spare cash..

  • JamesThomas
    How do you make yourself believe

    Why? The entire story of "self and universe" may be a dream; at best it's only a half-baked interpretation. The end of seeking will not be found in the facsimiles and concepts of the mind; only more questions.

    The only thing undeniably true, valid and real, is the silent intimacy and immediacy of being/existing. Look here. Look past the dense cloud of believed "self" and "reality", and uncover the pristine actuality of what is looking.


  • Undecided

    Outlaw, you have all my SPARE cash!

    Ken P.


    Ken..LOL!!.....Hows your grandson?..Better I hope..My best to both of you...OUTLAW

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