
by skyking 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • skyking

    What do you think? This has been very interesting to say the least. Proof of Ancient Giants? I don't think so.

    I was talking this morning to a person that emailed me photos of Giants that have been excavated and he claims this is proof of the Nephilim. I have to admit it took me by surprise that huge skeletons have been found. So off into Internet zone I went and I have to admit that they are finding proof.

    But I believe they are not the Nephilim of the scriptures but that there is a logical explanations and it is found at Wikipedia here is the link

    Here are a few of the photos he sent me which he claims is proof of the Nephilim.


  • megsmomma

    This is an interesting topic. I was talking to my hubby about the nephlim...and he never heard the story. (and he grew up in a church) So, I told him...well you better go read the Bible...then I thought...maybe I need to go read the Bible! LOL....So, anyways I could not find anything in there about the Angels "looking down on the wemon of the earth and coming down to have sex with them" and producing Nephlim....So is this really in the Bible at all? If it is, can someone tell me where to read about it?

  • heathen

    As far as I knew they only found some teeth but that guy is showing a thigh bone. I know there have been some hoaxes involved with giants as well . That's some freaky stuff alright.

  • moshe

    Loch Ness monster = hoax

    piltdown man = hoax

    bigfoot = hoax

    Noah's Ark found = hoax

    James, brother Jesus ossuary box found = hoax

    Vikings discovered America map = hoax

    Is this the next hoax?

  • DrMike

    What about guys like

    Robert Wadlow 8'11" Alton Illinois 1918 - 1940

    or Maximinus Thrax 8' 6" Emperor of Rome circa 230 AD

    This kinda stuff does happen, sometimes. No nephilim required. :)

  • IP_SEC
    What about guys like

    judging from the size of those skellys relative to objects of known size in the picture (a living human and a railroad car) I would say they are double the 8' someodd '' you site for known giants of the past.

    Doubt that a 15' or 16' tall humanoid could even support his own weight if'in he tried to walk upright.

  • DrMike

    Something about that femur just doesnt look quite right. Especially the taper nearing the hip joint.

    If I saw it wiithout the human drawing, I might think dinosaur. Maybe Gallimimus. Then I saw Timimus ( close relative ) which would be about 400 - 450cm which is about what the picture looks like.

    see pic at bottom of page.

    Useles junk trapped in my brain.

  • Leolaia

    The first photo bears a very uncanny resemblance to the Cardiff Giant, possibly it is one of its several "petrified man" imitators. The second photo is of a commissioned sculpture of a femur based not on a real specimen but rather on a report of a "leg bone" found in Turkey (I know of no actual image of the bone). The third image is clearly a drawing not a photo (notice the two men in top hats on the right) and its provenance is not known (it was republished by Carl Baugh and Kent Hovind without any indication of source), so it may well be a work of imagination as well.

  • Outaservice



  • skyking

    Here is another photo I found of the Gigantopithecus found at Mt. Blanca Fossil Museum.


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