Circuit Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Program 2006-2007
(Date: ___________________________)
Theme: "Store Up . . . Treasures in Heaven"
-- Matthew 6:20
9:40 Music
9:50 Song No. 67 and Prayer
10:00 Store Up Treasures in the Right Place
10:15 Theocratic Ministry School
11:00 Song No. 37 and Announcements
11:10 How Are Many Storing Up Treasures in Heaven?
11:25 Dedication and Baptism
(Number Baptised: ________)12:05 Song No. 13
1:20 Music
1:30 Song No.172
1:35 Experiences
1:45 Symposium: Keep on . . .Seeking First the Kingdom
2:45 Song No. 9 and Announcements
2:55 Highly Esteem Riches "Greater Than the Treasures of Egypt"
3:25 Fulfilling Our Treasured Ministry Despite Trials
3:55 Song No. 193 and Prayer
9:40 Music
9:50 Song No. 135 and Prayer
10:00 Add to Your "Treasure Store" by Examining the Scriptures Daily
10:15 Symposium: Be "Rich Toward God"
11:00 Song No. 164 and Announcements
11:10 Watchtower Summary
11:40 Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit
12:05 Song No. 40
1:20 Music
1:30 Song No. 195 and Prayer
Public Address:
How Can You Survive Jehovah’s "Day of Fury"?
2:25 Song No. 207 and Announcements
2:35 "You Cannot Slave for God and for Riches"
3:05 "Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be"
3:35 Song No. 132 and Prayer