Can you imagine Jesus Christ teaching that his message was NOT intended for the general public? This is exactly what the Watchtower Society had to say concerning the information contained in the "Lamp" book! While Jesus wanted ALL to hear the "True Gospel" the Watchtower Society saturates its organization in "secret" books and information. Elders have their "secret" books. Pioneers have their "secret" books. And the congregations had their "secret" books that were published which were NOT intended for the general public. This is what the 1971-November Kingdom Ministry had to say about the "Lamp" book! Question Box • Should the eighty questions in the “Lamp” book be covered in personal Bible studies with interested persons? The “Lamp” book is not intended for general public distribution. So it is not something that we offer to people as a basis for study when we first begin to call on them. Does that Kingdom Ministry quote even remotely sound like the gospel Jesus proclaimed? No! The Watchtower wanted to make sure a person had been brain-washed to a certain point, THEN the "robot" would be given further information like the "Lamp" book. The Watchtower wanted to make sure the person who received the "Lamp" book was running head-first to jump into the baptismal pool! Scan of the 1971-November-Kingdom-Ministry A scan of the above Kingdom Ministry has been included in this pdf file on the last page. Approximatey 36.5 MB. Click on the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom and look to your left for [ seconds to be counting down to zero ], when the seconds reach zero a large [ yellow and orange button ] will appear. Click that button for the download. Cheers! Atlantis-
Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot--PDF!
by Atlantis 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Atlantis! It's great to have the file. Boy, does this bring back memories! The assembly where this was released was the first one I ever attended.
Great work!
Thanks Cabasilas old chap! Your very welcome! On to the next!
Cheers! Atlantis-
Thanks so much. I think this was the book that we were told to throw away. Imagine that. And, if i remmeber right, it had a page in the back where you could mark down your baptismal date.
Yes, that page is back there and it made the person feel like they were signing a contract with the organization at the time of their baptism!
Thank you very much for your hard work!
Thank you! We appreciate your hard work also!
Cheers! Atlantis-
compound complex
Hello again, Atlantis,
Your comments about the robots getting dunked: I was baptized somewhat before the LAMP book's surfacing; a servant studied with me, and I'm supposing his say-so was sufficient to qualify me for baptism. At Bethel, Brother Knorr said (I mentioned this earlier in another thread) that new ones were "coming in the front door but going out the back door"---figuratively speaking. In his "announcement", or "introduction" of the LAMP book, he stated that it was meant to more fully ground new ones in the "Truth". The better you know the "Truth", the less likely you are to leave! Doesn't that seem like an absolutely absurd thought now?
Thanx again for your very helpful research on LIFE EVERLASTING. I was the one who brought up to you what I brought up to the French-speaking friends and yet, somehow, I was not brought up before the firing squad. Was I brought up properly?
Compound Complex:
Thank you for your comments! I think that the three main scandals that have caused more JWs to leave, (coming in the front door and going out the back door), have been the U.N. scandal, pedophile, and blood transfusion deceptions.
I remember very well when the "Lamp" book was released and the lines of candidates getting baptized. A far cry from today when we read of only two or three at a circuit assembly being baptized.
The Watchtower can not win against the internet and the more that is made available to the public, the better it will be for people to see for themselves how the Watchtower has qualified themselves as a false prophet.
Take care Complex. Always good to hear from you!
Cheers! Atlantis-