Disappointment; thanks for listening

by sass_my_frass 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    I'm doing my third uni unit in a 24-unit bachelors degree (economics). The exam is tonight, and I'm confident I'm going to fail. This isn't nerves or false modesty, I just know I haven't covered the material, and haven't consolidated those parts I did cover. I actually don't want to pass, because I don't want to go on to the more difficult units without a proper understanding of this one.

    I'll be able to re-enrol in the unit so it's no great loss, I'm just bummed, it's disappointing to fail. Now that I'm not doing three meetings a week plus extras, I have the time to make up for the degree I didn't get when I was pioneering. I probably took this on a bit early in my post-witness life and in our marriage - I've let a lot of important stuff slip; I'm not doing my job properly or exercising, and I should give more time and attention to Mr Frass. A couple of months ago I also made a big effort for the JW family and it backfired in a really depressing way, and I just haven't been able to concentrate on anything since. I think I burned out.

    Anyway, I just wanted to talk about that. I'll go have a look at the exam I'll be doing again next year. I've been working really hard this year and it will be good to have some time off.

  • Abandoned


    I know a little about disappointment and so let me share with you the quote I have as a signature on my writing email account:

    “Opportunity…often it comes in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.”
    Napoleon Hill

  • confusedjw

    Well you sure do sound solid and well grounded for someone who is disappointed.

    Methinks you are going to just brilliant in life with that attitude.

    Go and take care of Mr. Frass and yourself and get your degree. Put on the headphones and exercise, for Mr. Frass and yourself.

    You are going to do just fine, I just know it.

  • JWdaughter

    as long as you keep your priorities in order, you will do fine. Take care of yourself and your Mr. and when you have your degree, you will be able to make better use of it for being well grounded and prepared properly for your work.

    Good luck!

  • crazyblondeb

    You haven't done the exam, yet? Are you just expecting the worse?? I did that when I took my nursing boards. Convinced myself I had failed. I was shocked when I passed!! You may just surprise yourself.

    IF you didn't pass the test, just think how much better you'll be next time. Don't give up. Look how far you have come!! We're all here cheering you on!! cheerleader3


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Sorrowful Sass,

    Oh how I can relate. How words jump out at us yank our collective chain. I was sort of where you were 40 years ago. Had to choose between finishing my studies at the Conservatory or baptism/pioneering. I chose the latter; I have no regrets because I gained many good things. But now, all these years later, I am contacted by the school that I left in the dust and want to go back and finish. Don't know if I could. A huge risk. No money. You see, at the end of my first year there, I knew I was off to Dubland so I just went downhill in my studies. Why bother---Armageddon's around the...! And I too did something big for my family and I was mostly invisible during the festivities. I totally understand burn-out, dear Sass, and my youth and energy are mostly gone now. But if you love and you care and you give---even if only in SMALL amounts because you're exhausted---then what more is there? I can't work much any more and hardly sleep---that's why I'm here talking with you! And I've "met" Hambeak, and Sparky, and Nina........I love my friends from the KH, but for the most part, they're no longer part of my life. Even if you seem to be in a perpetual fog, it will lift. Give love freely and unstintingly and good people will come out of the woodwork and be your new source of comfort. I feel what I've said is more than philosophic.... Blessings and love and peace.


  • sass_my_frass

    I gave it a go. I don't want to give up yet, I'll try again next year, doing things a little differently. I'll see if I can get a day off every week during term, and I'll not go back-to-back with the terms (they don't give you a holiday; exam week is the first week of the next term). I also won't schedule a visit to the psycho family right in the middle of term *sigh*

  • KW13

    Whatever happens,

  • penny2

    Hi Sass

    You have to be really focussed to succeed in exams and sometimes circumstances don't allow that. Your sanity is the most important though - hope you can relax now and spend some quiet time with Mr Frass.


  • deeskis


    sorry you're feeling down, sometimes things happen for a reason. Recharge your batteries, have some quality time with hubby then regroup.

    Take care........


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