"Rick Fearon creeps me out". I think that's funny.
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends
Darth wrote:Hey, I really enjoyed the site. I like the dark & mysterious vibe it gives off. The only problem is that it will scare away any hardcore JDub. Way to creepy for their pre-programmed conscience.
I agree that it is too scary for the jdubs that are too emotionally and mentally loyal to the WTS. I've seen much fear ingrained into the jdubs that this website would make them jump and shut down their browser for fear that demons would some how enter into their homes and lives.
Overall it's a good site. I think I'll contact the webmaster and ask exactly what he/she has in mind for this site and what audience she/he is trying to cater to.
Yiz -
Jourles writes:
Ah shucks! Where is the Sex Witch? And what's up with them leaving off that earlier subliminal image I posted from their website?
btw, the site loads very slowly....zzzzz
Click 5.
Click the phone.
Click the phone again.
Where is the stuff about the GB/Watchtower Society and the UN?
It almost appears that the "battle of the Apostates" has begun. So many on this board are scared to death to stand up against the Watchtower. Hiding in "cyberspace" with ficticious names is the easier route in fear of what the Watchtower might think of you. Everyone on this board should stand tall as a united effort. Should we all not be enthused over more individuals taking a stand against the Watchtower? We are all fellow apostates and our mission should be to bravely and overtly expose this evil empire. There is strength in numbers. We should all be meeting together at 25 Columbia Heights and stand tall in exposing their falsehoods.Thousands of people could make a difference. Those who make websites exposing the Watchtower in any fashion should be valued for their time and efforts in trying to make a difference. Actions speak louder than words. "The Six Screens of the Watchtower" holds annual seminars, where ex-Witnesses can gather together for support and an understanding of what needs to be done to put the Watchtower out of business. So many ex-Witnesses are in fear of attending because the Watchtower may retaliate.Big deal! I hope you all have seen the link from Rare Treat. These are people that are truly not afraid! So come out of cyberspace people, and help us to bring the Watchtower down! Let's work together Apostates and build your own websites and gather together physically to encourage and incite our intended goal! The End of False Religion is Near!
Your work is valued and appreciated. I watched your film and left a message of support. But please bear in mind that many apostates have their own viewpoint about what to do or not do.
Of all my paternal and maternal 3rd generation JW family, I left the bOrg first (in the early 70's) and was out alone for nearly ten years. Never disfellowshipped - just a true apostate. In the early 80's I scraped together my pennies and left my young sons with my mother in California and flew to Alabama to meet with Raymond Franz and a small, select group of others who had left the bOrg, for a three day summit at the Gregerson lake cabin in Guntersville. It was a truly wonderful experience.
I was not sure what the group agenda was (or if they knew), but mine was to gather our forces to bring down the WTS. I was naive. We (about 20 total) talked, laughed, cried, ate, drank, strategized and reminisced for the three days, and at the end it was clear that the majority could really only agree on setting up a support system for JWs coming out. I never got clarity about what RF wanted - it was as if he had atoned to the JWs by writing his book (one more to come) and now he wanted be free to do what he really wanted - pursue Biblical research.
I learned a lot about the notions of 'exposure' and'Thousands of people could make a difference' and 'what needs to be done to put the Watchtower out of business.' Even a small group of us could not agree on how, why, who, where and what. We had no leader. We had no concensus. We had no mission. Those who stuck it out and developed a core from that group have done good work, but not in the direction of bringing down the WTS. I'm not at all convinced that any unified effort will bring about that result. Once we join, organize, mobilize, and create a hierarchy, we just become another bunch of wild-eyed fanatics. I believe that leaving the WTS is a highly individual process and choice, water upon stone, not responsive to group-think or group pressure. I do believe that small grass-roots efforts such as yours are effective - at an individual level. But I don't believe that making that effort bigger will necessarily bring about bigger results. In other words, it is effective because it is small.
We didn't have the internet then, and clearly it is making a huge difference. If, as individuals such and you, sKally, Danny, Johnny, etc., charge forward head-on, great! We are all behind you in spirit. And don't presume that it is just lip-service. But also don't presume that we need you to kick our lazy asses. Respect that we are complex individuals who are no longer the sheep we once were and that we have lives, and opinions and sensitivities and priorities and loyalties - that transcend the Watchtower Society.
IMHO, the WTS will be brought down by attrition within the ranks. This may be exacerbated by lawsuits, but the death-blow will be dwindling numbers. IOW, it will happen one person at a time. What we are doing on this and other boards, and in our communities of friends, families and acquaintances, is the water upon stone that will win out, in due time, over the evil of the WTS.