I have been out for so long now (DA'ed in 1993) and I heard that JW's now have a "new" annoucement for disfellowshipping people. No longer one of JW's. But what about JW's that "repent" and want to stay as JW's what do the JW's elders say about them. I remember when I was a devout JW's the elder came up with a phrase to kick out non-baptized JW's. They would say so and so is "no longer an approved associate" I thought this was funny because how can you kick someone out that never became a member. I remember non baptized JW's kids being put on public reproof for sins. They would say so and so has been reproved for conduct "unbecoming" of a christian. It seems like JW's lingo changes every 10 years. So I am just curious how they reprove baptized JW's and non baptized JW's?
What is the "new" public reproof annoucement for repentant sinners?
by booker-t 10 Replies latest jw friends
I was unbaptised and disassociated. Because of the changing terminology, I have wondered if the elders maybe didn't know I wasn't baptised? Could that happen?
I am a bad, bad girl.
Ive never heard of an unbaptized person being DAed. The usual thing is to treat them as bad association, but theres no hard and fast rule about that even.
When I was still in (left in 1999), I remember this unbaptised kid who stepped out of line, and the announcement was " so and so is no longer an unbaptised publisher". I don't know it they still say that now.
dedpoet, That one is still used for unbaptised publishers. I think public reproof was done away with?
I think public reproof was done away with?
I didn't know that Zico, or particularly care. They'd probably be reproving a lot more than they used to anyway, young jws seem to be misbehaving more and more these days, so I hear.
I remember growing up with this girl and she was announced as an "unapproved associate". I felt so bad for her. She was a nice girl, just in a bad situation. Her mom would go to the meetings and her dad was d/f. So when she probably needed association the most, she gets cut off.
They still announce when people are publicly reproved (how else could it be "public")
"[Name of person] has been reproved." (Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 152)
(no mention of restrictions though)
I remember non baptized JW's kids being put on public reproof for sins.
That expression drives me nuts! People were not PUT ON PUBLIC REPROOF. They were publicly reproved.
I am sure that phrase is a holdover from when they were put on probation, and they changed the term to being publicly reproved sometime in the late 60's I think. Lots of people said it wrong, but it always grated on my nerves. Our elders heard it too, and corrected the congregation.
So I am just curious how they reprove baptized JW's and non baptized JW's?
Don't worry, both groups are still bound for Gehenna.