Do elders and ministerial servants really put their family 1st?

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    a big fat NO

    when my x was made a ms, i was the most shocked,,,

    guess it was coz i did 'all' the studying, field service, etc witht the children, and he was hard pressed to find scriptures, although his children could


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Of course not, why do you think so many of their kids are not becoming baptized witnesses? Its those that do put them first who have kids who stick with it.


  • becca1

    I am the neglected daughter of an elder!

  • IP_SEC

    50% of my lack of marital bliss was becurse of it.

  • Abandoned

    The watchtower society are experts on organized idiocy. So you can bet that elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, publishers, and anyone else who is sadly associated with this dysfunctional religion are wasting time that could be better spent. Pretty strong statment? Well follow along as I make my thesis.

    What do the jw say is their main commision? Making disciples and spreading the good news of the kingdom right? So, all the talks, all the meetings, all the preparation, all the judicial committees, all the magazines and books and everything else that they print, ultimately is to support this goal of spreading the kingdom message. Would you agree that is an accurate summation?

    If their goal truly is to spread this good news of the kingdom, why do I have to wait until some eager-beaver knocks on my door at nine or ten in the morning on my one day off from work to be offered two small pamphlets regarding this "life-saving" message? Is that a good use of their time? Are they finding the most effective way to bring these waters of life to me? No, obviously not. Coca cola, once owned by members of the "faithful" appreciates how to get their product out in front of the masses. So Billy Graham, a man who at least by apperances has changed with the times to endeavor to bring his message to more and more people, is considered a part of the great harlot while they, twiddle their thumbs, and drag their feet up and down the non-secured neighborhoods of America while claiming to be using their god-given lives efficiently spreading god's message. HAH!

  • bigmouth

    As an MS, the org. always came first. Anything less would show weakness. My children suffered terribly with my exhaustion and bad moods. My wife couldn't understand why we weren't the happiest of people.

  • wannaexit

    Some elders and ministerial servants try to put their families first but its literally impossible with all the pressure that is put on them.

    My father was an elder for years and we as a family really suffered. We also got the brunt of his anger when problems arose and he was frustrated with things in the congregation.

    My father in law was a very prominent elder and completely put his family aside for the "sake of the congregation". The kids really suffered and as adults are paying the consequences.

    Interestingly my father in law is slowly realizing what this organization really is (with a little help from us), now he feels a munumental guilt for neglecting the family and losing all those years of precious time.

  • Gill

    The bOrganization and their own exalted 'star like' position comes first to JW elders and minis!

    There family is some way down the list.

    When the PO says 'jump', they say, 'how high!'

  • lovelylil


    what you said is so true. My husband was so exhausted all the time that he was constantly yelling at the children. And when he was home, he would just want to sleep all the time. The WT puts a lot of strain on families and these rules are made by men who have NO families. Lilly

  • bigmouth

    That's right Lilly, I forgot about the constant sleep deficit.

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