Learn guitar...
if you already play, join a band...
There is always something better to do with your time than setting around being bored.
by DannyBloem 22 Replies latest jw friends
Learn guitar...
if you already play, join a band...
There is always something better to do with your time than setting around being bored.
Vacuum exist only because that's how WTBS has trained you to think that there is nothing else worthwhile pursuing. Go out, connect with nature, explore something new, go diving or if your really want to experience something "out of this world" go sky diving ...
Life is beautiful all you have to do is to enjoy it ....
Hi Danny!
Most of all be glad you are free from that mundane existence! Use your new free time to do whatever makes you happy
Do you have any interests, dreams? You could take some evening classes in just about any subject. You could join a club, volunteer for a local charity, take up a hobby, or take in some of the local tourist attractions that most people never see in their own area.
Here in Grand Rapids, the Kent County Library system has a program to train volunteers to tutor adults in learning to read. You can also learn to teach people English. I'd be doing this if I didn't have my hands full with raising my grandsons.
Pick a place or cause and volunteer. You can meet new friends that way. Find a church you can enjoy. Lots of them have outreach programs you can participate in.
my new pastimes:
- study
- volunteer work
- my hubby
- new friends
- travel
- talents
Watch movies you always wanted to see. Discover local musical talent. Read literature on subjects that were closed to JWs: religion, politics, sexuality, psychology, philosophy, evolution.
no one mentioned bowling.
I love taking classes at the local community college. They are usually only 6 to 10 weeks long and only a couple hours a week.
Build a life size Charles Taze Russell style burial pyramid out of matchsticks!
Build a life size Charles Taze Russell style burial pyramid out of matchsticks!
best suggestion yet!!!