Has the "House" TV show had its run? (possible spoiler)

by AlmostAtheist 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Guys, I love the TV show "House". Hugh Laurie is perfect in the role, great supporting actors, deep character development. The plotlines are a little formulaic, but all the dialog and character interaction makes it ok.

    But the last few episodes have left me feeling bad. Tonight, for instance, I spent most of the time bent into emotional pretzels over the couple's arguing in front of their possibly-dying child, to culminate in a moment of maybe-they-will/maybe-they-won't amputate the child's arm and leg.

    Moreover, the House character seems to have morphed from an abrasive genius to a mean-spirited guy that manages to figure it out if given enough near-death experiences. Granted, he's suffering from withdrawals since his supply of narcotics has been cut way down, but that truth isn't enough to make the show enjoyable. Believable, but not enjoyable.

    Recognizing the formula that the series has fallen into, they allowed one of the co-stars to have the "Hey! Wait a minute! We're thinking about this all wrong!" moment tonight. But it was the same moment that every episode before it has had. The previews for the next episode even have House ragging on the formula their differential diagnosis conversations always take.

    I'm not saying I won't watch it anymore. But I think it's got to shift back to where it was in a hurry. I LOVED it. Then I liked it, but it made me a little uneasy. And now I'm watching a show that genuinely makes me feel bad. How long can I keep doing that?

    Anybody else got a thought here?


  • serendipity

    Hi Dave,
    I had a "House" epiphany too earlier in the year where I was left feeling drained from the negative emotional energy portrayed. I guess I shouldn't get so caught up in a show.

    However, that led me to Boston Legal. Witty repartee, more enjoyable, and the ethical dilemmas didn't usually involve life or death, or a verbally abusive character. Besides Denny Crain is a hoot.

  • IP_SEC
    morphed from an abrasive genius to a mean-spirited guy

    Yes. This is exactly why I stopped watching. At first he was sort of a refreshing anti-hero, now he is just a dick.

  • lonelysheep

    Possibly. I've been feeling pretty bad the last few episodes, too--particularly tonight's show.

    I had to roll my eyes because of the actress playing the mom. I knew this wouldn't be an enjoyable plot. I thought to myself, "She's always playing the snotty bitch role in any work she gets!" And her voice gets on my nerves.

    The episode was old before 9:10 PM.

  • under_believer

    We can't watch it anymore, either. It's just too... it just makes us feel bad to watch it. I already had serious concerns about how every episode plays out with all of the suspense and unpredictability of a Hardy Boys novel, but towards the end of when we were watching my wife and I just finished each episode with a black, wasted feeling.
    It's not good TV. I hate to bust out a JW-ism but it's not upbuilding. And I don't even really NEED upbuilding but this show is actively the opposite of upbuilding. It's downtrodding.

  • blondie

    I haven't watched tonight's episode yet. I come from a family with alcoholics so I am disturbed to see his addictive personality and relationship with others. I know that the police officer character is a recovering alcoholic (pill addict?) himself. I'm anticipating this story arc will end with House going into rehab and the plots going back to the previous type of plots.


  • lovelylil


    I agree with you and others here that House has lost its appeal. I really hope that the writers take notice because I for one have stopped watching and I know many others who have too. Its too bad because it was such a great show in the beginning. Lilly

  • FlyingHighNow

    We loved the show....at first. I stopped watching when there was an episode with all three patients having problems that revolved around scandalous sex. You know the one I'm talking about? One guy gives his wife an STD. Some teenager ends up pregnant and some other scandal. I like sex as much as any other red blooded human being, but using it to get easy ratings is a cop out. It's like less than genius comedians using x rated language and jokes to get laughs rather than true, clever, witty humor.

    The show experienced success and then somebody turned around and thought, "Hey, if we get this many viewers, we can trash it up with melodrama and sex and we'll get a lot more viewers. WRONG. They lost viewers like all of us who enjoyed the unique characters and well thought our dialogue, etc. Like House jamming to the Who in his office. Why would they exchange that type of scene for some paunchy, middle-aged schmuck who gives his wife and STD?

  • under_believer
    unique characters and well thought out dialogue

    You should check out Studio 60.

  • bigmouth

    I just sit there wondering how Hugh Lawrie keeps up his gravelly American accent!!
    I just can't get past seeing him as The Prince Regent (or some other well meaning nit-wit) from Blackadder.

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