Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President by Dr. J. Frank

by frankiespeakin 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Woodsman

    It actually takes no courage at all to call everyone else mindless and to criticise another individual as unfit. It does take courage however to be a leader amidst a world of critics.

  • frankiespeakin


    It actually takes no courage at all to call everyone else mindless and to criticise another individual as unfit. It does take courage however to be a leader amidst a world of critics.

    It takes courage or stupidity. I think most would agree with me today, that in Bush's case it is stupidity. Bush has shown his stupidity for all to see. To see it, all one has to do is go to the official Whitehouse web site and read or watch the Pres field questions from reporters . JT, Most will continue to remain with the mindless masses and support insanity. Which, sadly, means we probably deserve what we have. I think the "Times are a changing" and the presidents supporters, and public opinion are starting to wake up and smell the coffee.

    More and more I wonder about the mental stability of the left, especially based on threads like this. It makes me believe more and more that fascism will come from the left in this country rather than the right. Look at the lengths people will go to to not only criticize (sometimes fairly), and eventually demonize a man that they hate. I mean hate, with a visceral hatred, that borders on psychotic. Some of the stuff that the left says reminds so much of the crap that was spewed by the Clinton-haters. Both sides need to take a time out and just shut-up.

  • Woodsman

    I have no idea how intelligent Bush is. I don't know that I would call him stupid nor do I know what someone means when they use that term. He went to Yale, got better grades than Kerry so I heard. He wanted to become President and he did. He wanted to accomplish certain things as President and he did. Just because you disagree doesn't mean he is stupid.

    The times are not changing. They are the same. People become disenchanted with their leaders and vote them out. Sadly the one thing that has remained constant is the partisanship in a two party system. I could never understand how a Nation of brilliant individuals could be adequately represented by only two lines of thought. It is so bad that if one side says yes the other side automatically says no. The personal attacks on leaders are just embarrassing. It is no different than schoolyard bullying.

    In my state we elected an independant Senator and I hope that will lead to more individuals running on the issues rather than a party ticket.

  • frankiespeakin


    I have no idea how intelligent Bush is. I don't know that I would call him stupid nor do I know what someone means when they use that term. He went to Yale, got better grades than Kerry so I heard. He wanted to become President and he did. He wanted to accomplish certain things as President and he did. Just because you disagree doesn't mean he is stupid.

    I don't think in any of my post I called him stupid, what I said is his stupidity is evident by his replies to the questions put to him by the press which btw was probably all scripted except for some of his cavilar replies, which made him appear rather flipent at times.

    The times are not changing. They are the same. People become disenchanted with their leaders and vote them out. Sadly the one thing that has remained constant is the partisanship in a two party system. I could never understand how a Nation of brilliant individuals could be adequately represented by only two lines of thought. It is so bad that if one side says yes the other side automatically says no. The personal attacks on leaders are just embarrassing. It is no different than schoolyard bullying.

    I said the times are a chaning with reference to public opinion reguarding the pres reasons for invading Iraq, not with reguard to the whole 2 party system. He lied to the senate, to the american people, about the resons for invading Iraq and now these lies are coming back to haunt him. People are now waking up to the fact he lied, and see the terrible tragedy resulting from those lies, in the tremendous loss of life both to the innocent Iraqi people and to the US service men.

    In my state we elected an independant Senator and I hope that will lead to more individuals running on the issues rather than a party ticket.

    Sounds like a good thing to me.

  • hillary_step


    More and more I wonder about the mental stability of the left, especially based on threads like this. It makes me believe more and more that fascism will come from the left in this country rather than the right. Look at the lengths people will go to to not only criticize (sometimes fairly), and eventually demonize a man that they hate. I mean hate, with a visceral hatred, that borders on psychotic. Some of the stuff that the left says reminds so much of the crap that was spewed by the Clinton-haters. Both sides need to take a time out and just shut-up.

    Please feel free to show us how. HS

  • Robdar
    More and more I wonder about the mental stability of the left, especially based on threads like this. It makes me believe more and more that fascism will come from the left in this country rather than the right. Look at the lengths people will go to to not only criticize (sometimes fairly), and eventually demonize a man that they hate. I mean hate, with a visceral hatred, that borders on psychotic. Some of the stuff that the left says reminds so much of the crap that was spewed by the Clinton-haters. Both sides need to take a time out and just shut-up.

    The above post was mostly straight on, imo. XJW4EVR, I salute you for laying the truth out there. (However, I do worry about the mental stability of the right also)



    More and more I wonder about the mental stability of the left, especially based on threads like this. It makes me believe more and more that fascism will come from the left in this country rather than the right. Look at the lengths people will go to to not only criticize (sometimes fairly), and eventually demonize a man that they hate. I mean hate, with a visceral hatred, that borders on psychotic. Some of the stuff that the left says reminds so much of the crap that was spewed by the Clinton-haters. Both sides need to take a time out and just shut-up.
    Please feel free to show us how. HS

    Feel free to lead by example, Schlepper

  • JamesThomas

    My above comments in this thread were not based in right or left politics; but rather on common sense.

    The last thing, the very, very last thing, a president of a country should make happen is to bring his people to war. He or She should leave no stone unturned to assure that every, every avenue other than war is revealed and tried.

    Mr. Bush fought tooth and nail for this war and ignored all information against it. He, and every congressperson and senator who voted for this unnecessary war is an unfit leader, be they democrat or republican, green or libertarian.

    That some of you want to support and admire such insanity, I do not understand.


  • JamesThomas

    To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. (1918) -- Theodore Roosevelt

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