'DA BIRDS' will getcha!

by DannyHaszard 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DannyHaszard

    My reason for this thread is to provide a bird food backup source growing up JW da birds were big.If i misbehaved as a small child my adult JW family members would 'put the fear of jehovah in me' by reminding me of jehovah & da birds. Da birds will getcha! -------- A few words for Mr. Rember
    Idaho Mountain Express and Guide, ID - 8 hours ago
    The Watchtower Lady-or Jehovah's Witness that visited your (Express columnist John Rember) home the other day does have an opinion about the President of the ...

    Wednesday, November 29, 2006

    A few words for Mr. Rember
    The Watchtower Lady-or Jehovah's Witness that visited your (Express columnist John Rember) home the other day does have an opinion about the President of the Association of Moral Pygmies. And she does not believe that she will be able to approach him after Armageddon because he will be destroyed as he is morally corrupt and does not serve Jehovah by going to the meetings and attending meetings with the JWs for five hours a week. What she might be thinking as she goes to hisdoor is that since he probably will be destroyed by Jehovah due to his wickedness (providing a veritable feast for the birds), that she might want to hoof it over there real quick after Armageddon and claim his beautiful and pricey abandoned house as her own. After all, he won't need it anymore. Shelly Crawford Lakewood, Wash.

    -------- The Television History channel topic was playing on TV on the cult of radical islam instigating WW 3 (armageddon) Now how is the Watchtower cult any better? COC Ray Franz overheard his uncle Watchtower top leader Fred Franz describe the Billion(s) of children rendered 'bird food' at armageddon as [quote] "..well little nits they grow up to be big nits"[unquote]

    Many times returning to the vehicle after being rejected by a 'goat' my elder dad would say;"well i like that home after armageddon we will rake out their bones and move in" I was indoctrinated with this hard core supremacist shit from birth,it is truly a triumph of human spirit that i was able to turn it all around.-Danny Haszard "..there 'R seven birds for every human." Circa 1967 my Father Kenneth Haszard congregation servant at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Bridgewater Massachusetts visited the Quincy Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with wife Mary Ann Haszard and 3 children Danny,Timothy and Darlene Haszard to give the "Armageddon" public talk and featured a 2' X 4' black and white version of this above ghastly image as his obedient family sat in the front row center. I am witness of all this Watchtower demented & demonic supremacist shit footnote-Oh,get this the #1 theme of the Rockland cong was not who's out there proclaiming the warning message but who was the f**king most cool yuppie cat with the most toys
  • Zico

    At what point do the birds become vegetarian?

  • Honesty

    JW's are pissing their britches because Armageddon is taking soooo loooong to start. They can't wait to move in the big multimillion dollar shacks that are scattered all over the mountainsides around here.

    What they haven't thought about yet is that after Armageddon the elders will throw the publishers outta those fine houses and move their broods in. If the publishers moan too much they will find out firsthand how theWatchtower Jehovah metes out justice in the 'New System' after Watchtower leaders install themselves as 'Glorious' World Rulers.

    Meanwhile, JW's continue to grow old and die just like they always have.

  • Clam
    "..well little nits they grow up to be big nits"[

    This shows not only a lack of moral decency but a lack of understanding of "nature and nurture." Surely small children could be raised by loving JW parents in paradise and become true Christian Witnesses ä ? Or maybe the children of the unrighteous might grow up to sully Paradise ä . . .

    Oh and I though nits were eggs and grew into lice. Am I mistaken?

  • DannyHaszard
    My reason for this thread is to provide a bird food backup source growing up JW da birds were big.If i misbehaved as a small child my adult JW family members would 'put the fear of jehovah in me' by reminding me of jehovah & da birds.

    WHY? Because Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower cult apologist trolls deny and lie all over the web that they ever even considered such macabre shit and revile me as a 'mental case'.

    GHOULS FOR GOD Rev 19:17

  • DannyHaszard
  • lovelylil


    You are my hero for speaking up about this the way you do, bless you! You are helping so many people by sharing your experiences which I am sure is very traumatic for you and hopefully you are keeping some from ever getting involved with the JW's in the first place.

    Like you said they are complete liars, especially those in higher rank like the elders. In Hingham MA they hid a pedophile for almost 2 years and while my precious son was only 6 and 7 and going to the urinal alongside this man, the elders did nothing at all and gave me nor my husband any warning! Thank God another sister in the hall had the courage to come forward and warn us about this guy. When I approached the elder he flat out lied that the guy was ever convicted of mollesting anyone.

    I went to the local police station and looked up his record and this guy was jailed more than 4 times for rape and sodomy of minor boys. He had a record dating back over 30 years. I also found out the guy was disfellowshipped several times for this offense but then reinstated again. When I approached an elder about it he told me if I spread this "rumor" around I could be Df'd for slander. Slander! How is that possible when it is true? He also looked me straight in the face and said "well, we don't know if this man has raped any boys lately". What a bunch of maniacs!

    I thank God every single day I got my kids out of there! And I pray for those like yourself who were damaged by them that you continue to heal and grow in strength. We need more like you who will truly stand up for what is right, and tell people the real truth about the "truth" thanks again Danny. Lilly

  • truthsetsonefree

    I remember that "bird" crap most vividly. In fact I started teaching it to my kid. Thank God I woke up.


  • Anitar

    Notice how the first thing on their mind after armageddon is to move into all the dead rich people's houses, they care nothing about God or salvation, it's all about the material things with them. That hardly sounds like Jesus's idea of humility and how the meek shall inherit the earth.

    As for the birds, I don't see them having a taste for human flesh for we are far too crunchy and no good without ketchup.


  • Legolas

    Look at the bottom right hand side....Doesn't that look like Will Smith?

    I love him..He's so kewl!...LOL

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