Elder Manual - 10 Year Anniversary

by Black Man 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Ok.......this year marks the 10th annniversary when the WTS unleashed the "Pay Attention to the Flock" book a.k.a the Top Secret Elder Manual. In honor of that milestone I'll post some memorable gems from what is now the modern-day holy grail.....(parenthetical comments are mine).......

    Sexual misconduct, including; adultery, fornication, and other forms of "por.ne'a..":

    Uncleanness includes an intentional momentary touching of sexual parts or caressing of breasts. Such minor uncleanness can be handled at the discretion of an elder or two; it does not require a judicial hearing. There is a need for strong counsel, admonition, and assistance to help the individual to maintain chaste conduct in the future. If not corrected, such conduct may escalate in gravity and by frequent repetition become loose conduct. Loose conduct .... may include the willful practice of heavy petting or the fondling of breasts.

    (This paragraph alone counts for SO many dysfunctional/sexually retarded JW's)
    Judicial Hearings:

    If the appeal committee disagrees with the decision to
    disfellowship, the decision should be discussed with the
    original judicial committee privately.

    If both committees agree that the person should not be
    disfellowshipped, the individual should be so advised.
    The appeal committee will send the branch office a brief
    explanation of the mutual conclusion not to disfellowship
    reached by both committees, which should clearly state
    that the original judicial committee agrees with the deci

    The original committee will receive a copy of the
    letter,which will be kept in a sealed envelope in the
    congregation's confidential file.

    At times the original committee and the appeal committee
    may hold conflicting opinions.

    When this occurs, the individual should not be given any
    indication of the conclusions of the appeal committee.
    Simply tell the person that the decision is pending.
    The appeal committee should send the S-77 and S-79
    forms to the branch office with a letter giving reasons for
    its decision and should include a letter from the original
    committee expressing the reason(s) for disagreement.

    When an individual is reinstated, he will still need much
    spiritual assistance.

    The elders should see that definite arrangements are made
    to help the person regain spiritual health and strength.
    (Col. 2:7; Titus 2:1, 2)

    They may arrange for a Bible study to be conducted,
    which would be reported as field service.

    Restrictions should be imposed to help the person see the
    need of continuing to make 'straight paths for his feet' and
    also out of consideration for the congregation's
    conscience. (Heb. 12:13)

    The privilege of sharing in the field service is restored
    when the individual is reinstated.
    other privileges, such as commenting at meetings,
    handling parts on the program, and offering prayer at
    meetings, can be restored progressively when it is
    determined that the individual has progressed spiritually
    to the point that he is qualified and when it is judged by
    the elders that the extending of such privileges will not be
    offensive to the congregation.

    It will be up to the elders of the congregation where he
    now is located to decide when certain privileges may be

    (Depending on which hall you went to, there are still certain ones who haven't gotten privileges back for 5 or 10 years because of leaving things up to local congos.)

    Marriage is of divine origin. (Mark l0:6-9)

    Engagement is a serious commitment and is normally a
    personal matter. (Matt. 5:37)

    However, unilaterally breaking an engagement may
    require inquiry if the one doing so has an organizational
    position of responsibility. (w75 6/15 pp. 382-4)

    Marrying an unbeliever is contrary to Bible principles.
    (Deut. 7:3, 4; 1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14, 15)

    If a dedicated, baptized Christian marries an unbeliever,
    this would result in disqualification from all special
    privileges for the time being. (1 Tim. 3:2, 4, 5, 12, 13;
    w82 3/15 p. 31)

    If the parent is an elder, a ministerial servant, or a pioneer
    and encourages, allows, or gives tacit approval to the
    marriage, this raises questions regarding his or her

    Use of the Kingdom Hall must be in harmony with God's

    It would not be used for marriages of unbelievers or the
    reenactment of marriages, such as on occasions of
    anniversaries. (w84 4/15 pp. lO-15; km 12/81 p. 4)
    However, on occasion the body of elders may decide to
    allow two unbaptized publishers, who are regularly
    associating and awaiting an assembly to get baptized, to
    be wedded at a Kingdom Hall.

    In each case, the body of elders will decide when the
    Kingdom Hall may be used for a wedding.

    (Control freakery at its best. This gave a license for these overly zealous off-balanced untrained volunteer elders to commandeer, dictate who will or who won't be in weddings. Family members or friends that the bride and groom had planned for ages to have in their wedding could be booted if they didn't meet the supposed spiritual criteria of the local elder body. Especially during the time that JW's had the article on large gatherings, I remember one wedding where most of the bridal party was dropped, and the reception was kept to a small group. Many family members and friends were uninvited and were only able to see some of the pics later on.)

    Christians should avoid gambling in all its various forms,
    including lotteries. (Compare Isaiah 65:11; w89 7/15 p.
    30; g82 7/8 pp. 25-7; g81 11/22 p. 27.)

    Gambling can lead to or incite unchristian traits, such as
    greediness and covetousness. (Rom. 13:9, 10; 1 Cor. 6: 9,
    10; Col. 3:5)

    Additional bad results from gambling and association
    with gamblers give true Christians further reasons for
    avoiding it. (1 Cor. 15:33; g85 8/8 pp. 22-3; g82 7/8 pp.
    25-7; w80 9/1 pp. 29-30; w72 10/1 pp. 593-4)

    If a person makes a practice of gambling and after
    repeated counsel unrepentantly pursues a course of
    greediness, he could be disfellowshipped from the
    Christian congregation. (w80 9/1 pp. 29-30; w67 6/15 p.

    A person must guard against the view that petty gambling
    solely for entertainment is harmless. ( Gal. 6 :7, 8)

    However, elders would not want to get involved in what
    publishers do in this respect unless spirituality is
    endangered, either that of the individual or that of the

    If a business concern gives out prizes to winners of a
    contest or to customers whose names were drawn from its
    customer list, it may not be wrong to accept such a prize if
    no money has to be paid to participate. (w73 2/15 p. 127)

    A person needs to be careful that accepting such a prize
    does not stir up greed.
    The language used in advertising a drawing or contest, as
    well as the kind of sponsors, may involve elements with
    which a Christian would not want to be identified, either
    for personal reasons or for fear of stumbling others.

    (Can somebody tell me what the difference between the stock market (of which the WTBS is a fairly major player on) and this definition of gambling?

    I'll be back to post some more "hits"....................

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    please post more!!!!

  • blondie
  • felix a
    felix a


    What do you mean "Elder Manual 10th Anniversary"? I know I made copies of the damn thing back in 1983 or 84 while I was at Bethel. Then again I had also made copies of the Branch Book and kept copies of study questions used in Gilead too. So again I ask what do you mean by Elder Manual - 10th Anniversary???

    Curiously yours

    felix a


    I did enjoy the highlights you've brought out.

  • JT

    The BREAST Dogma:

    "an intentional momentary touching of sexual parts or caressing of breasts"


    "fondling of breasts"

    lOOKING BACK as a former elder - this had to be one of the most Stupid
    teachings that Leon Weaver and the Boys in the Service Dept could come up with

    In our class we must have spent 45 min discussing the finer points of touching a sisters breast and fondling them-

    and they say WASHING UP TO THE ELBOWS was tough

    one can only look back and shake your head to think that many of us as former elders were actually part of a group of guys who sat around a table trying to figure out did the bro have his hands on the sisters breast long enough to get a "Stiff Pecker"

    just sick


  • ozziepost

    Although Greed is listed in the manual as one of "the deadly sins" not much is stated about it, no attempt is made to define what would constitute greed. For example, could a fat or obese publisher be guilty of greed etc?

    So it seems that "the green book" dwells on acts that can readily be seen or described or quantified.

    Much like the Pharisees actually...


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • felix a
    felix a


    I think you spent your time well if you, "spent 45 min discussing the finer points of touching a sisters breast and fondling them-" I believe that there are many fine points to touching a breast, granted I would rather touch them than discuss them... But hey, whatever floats your boat. Right? I'm mean you older men had to be able to educate the young brothers and sistes about those fine points, so I think they did a good thing in discussing them for so long.

    Now if they would had only followed the example set by the John Cleese in the movie "The Meaning of Life" the class would have been absolutely riveted.

    David P (felix a)

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Actually Felix you're right.....they just REVISED the manual in 1991. I was up and coming in the ranks when the revised book was released. I probably should have spelled that out more when I titled this thread. Peace........

  • JT

    yea they use to have those little paper back elders books - then they went to the hardback--

    ck this out
    we were told at our school that a printing company over in NJ had the entire thing scanned-

    well how did this happen- as we all know there was just something about have a Leather bible that simply made you a truly spiritual man

    so some bro sent their flock book to this company in Jersey who replaced the hardback with leather

    now you know that was some cool stuff a flockbook in leather

    anyway other elders saw it and wanted one so they sent thier books over to the company- so the company just decided Hey we can save time by just scanning the book and we will be ready when the next order rolls in-

    well how did the society find out about it- well someone in the office wrote to the society asking would you like for us to handle your Leather back flockbooks-

    our CO told us that the Service dept got this letter from the company asking for thier business and almost Sh!t Bricks

    you got to love it

  • LDH

    JT that is the funniest damn thing I have ever heard. Do they give a 45 minute class on touching a man's penis, too? Is there one locally? The pioneer sisters would really benefit from know which techniques they'll never use, LOL.

    Black Man, aren't you glad you're out?

    My sister da'd herself about 5 years ago over gambling. The local elders were intent on prying into her personal business. Why do I say personal? Because she isn't married and has no kids, and gave more than her share at the hall.

    Well they didn't like it, because she was a high stakes gambler that was her job and she would show up at the hall dripping in gems and shit, and most of the elder body except my father lived in a double wide. One of the elders got so mad he had to leave the room, after she told him one night's take equalled his annual salary. (HE ASKED.)

    So you can see this caused problems. They formed SEVERAL judicial committees, and my sister was nice enough to tolerate them all.

    The last straw? She told them, she was more than willing to stop gambling and just say she would wait on Jehovah for refinement. Of course, she had done all of her own research and was able to stupify them by asking them to draw comparisons between stock market and gambling--how did they differ?

    Anyhow, the elder body told her they wanted to hear her say the words "I think gambling is wrong." and she refused to .... So they gave her 7 day notice of DF, and she wrote out a DA letter.

    PS First this went all the way to the DO who recommended they stop prying but they claimed 'ones' in the cong. were being stumbled by seeing a young woman dripping in cash with no job.

    Elder Schmelder.


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