My local Dubs ä intrigue me.
I moved to this house about three years ago. It’s a large detached house in a rural location. The nearest Kingdom Hall ä is about 5 miles away. I get pretty regular visits, about once every 3 months from different sets hunting in pairs:
Group 1 - Two young sisters ä . My wife initially asked them to explain the blood ä issue, which they’ve never been able to, but they did leave her the What Does the Bible Really Teach book with a bookmark in the Godly View of Life chapter. They keep returning. leaving her Watchtowers ä and Awakes ä ., but always manage to miss her. Shame.
Group 2 – A full on bible bashing elderette ä with a meek young sister sidekick. I asked them in one morning and sat them in my office. They were surrounded by my books, many of which would be taboo to the Dubs ä , including C of C. In a confrontational mood I got stuck into these two on all sorts of matters. I called the WTS ä a false prophet, spoke about 607 ä , said they ruined lives with their shunning and blood policies, but really pissed the elderette off when I told her that the Society, an obscenely wealthy publishing corporation, prevented her from having a proper relationship with her Creator. To top it I told her I was a spiritualist. Last I saw of them.
Group 3 – A mature man, probably an Elder ä and a young guy. Not in a great mood I told them I wanted me marked down at the KH as a do not call. I told them they were a "paedophile infested cult" who should be outlawed.
Still they keep coming back. Group 1 that is. Do you think they’re trying to get past me and get hold of my wife? Even my wife told them her only interest in them was to glean medical information. My JW sister has an appalling attitude problem with my wife just because she handles blood as a midwife. This doesn’t seem to fit with the sisters in Group 1.
Why do they keep coming? Oh and they haven’t even given us the tract ä yet!