This fellow even lists his horoscope sign! What a fine witness!
Field Service for Lazy People
by Nosferatu 16 Replies latest jw friends
When he says hes checked other religions out to make sure hes got the true one, whats the betting the only book he looked at was mankinds search for God book!
what a suck up site........people like that are scarey
get a life.
haha i am so bored i did the test - it says my ideal religion is athiest- thank goodness for that, i was worried it was going to say jehovahs witness!LOL that would have freaked me out!
Vomit! That's gross. His "Myspace Ministries" friend contacted me to try to convert me. No thanks!
This guy says he studies other religions
I vote we report him to him and see if he takes immediate action, without warning, on himself. Anyone here second the motion?
he spelled country-contry
and Holocaust-Hollicost
Wow,,,just... wow.