Cheers Terry - that's so priceless it's a keeper.
has anyone seen this site of scanned WT material?
by truthsearcher 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Whether or not you made a mistake in the past is not the important point, it is what are you doing now that matters.
Thanks for the laugh, Terry. Suppose we only focused on what they are doing now? They are abandoning doctrines that didn't work out for them, they are hiding pedophiles within their ranks, they are throwing their Bethel "Family" members out into the cold after taking their free labor for as long as 30 years. I suppose we could say that was yesterday, and today November 30th, 2006 is a brand new day. Don't they focus on the past of other organizations (twisted focus, granted)?
I wasn't sure what to think at first...but I do think they are a WT believer. However, I did find some juicy tidbits to use in the future. I do not think the scan wording was changed because it is still damaging... How about this one from His Vengance, Rutherford , 1934
" It will be a happy day for the peoples of the earth when Satan and all of his agencies are destroyed...
The Scriptures show that at Armageddon Satan's army under Gog will be completely destroyed, and which will include millions of men now on the earth. The prophet then, describing that terrible battle, says that there will be so many dead that the living cannot bury them. Their bones will be bleached by the elements. The Scriptures then further show that for a 55long period of time after the battle of Armageddon is over companies of survivors will be sent through the land to clean it up and to destroy these bleached bones"
Oh happy day?
I link to it from pro JW discussion sites when the dubs start saying the Wacktower has always 'confirmed' 1914 as the date for Jesus' return.
Let us briefly examine these points:
Did the churches teach you the truth about the soul? hell? the Trinity? Of course not! They have consistently taught untruth regarding these topics. They downgrade the Bible's authority in favour of traditional teachings.When I read that, I was reminded of Ray Franzs' account of when he joined the governing body, where he said, the main focus was on introducing new rules that had no basis in scripture, and even if a scripture was presented, if there was an organisational policy, that took precedent over scripture
Genuine love is seen in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses, and in their worldwide organization
He obviously hasn't visited my old cong, the most noticeable thing there was the lack of love.
Do the churches support the Bible's moral standards? No!! Consider the subjects of homosexuality, abortion, sexual activity outside marriage. Only Jehovah's witnesses consistently apply Bible standards of behaviour wherever in the world you are
Well, some jws might apply bible standards, but there's plenty that don't.
I can't help but think that this guy might have shot himself in the foot here, making this sort of material available on a site jws can feel "safe" accessing.
I do not think the scan wording was changed because it is still damaging...
I should have put in the tongue-in-cheek pic, cuz my remark was to describe how the pro-jw folks like to use that reasoning against apostate sites. "We never said that. The apostates must have altered the wording to make it look like we said it."
AK - Jeff
If you were to do a search on the internet for the writings of Charles Taze Russell, it is likely you would arrive at sites of apostate origin.
His very first sentence is bunk. When I went looking for CT Russell's writings, I found a site founded and supported by Bible Students - the old Watchtower people from before Rutherfords coup.
These people are not apostates - Jehovah's Witnesses apostasized from them.
AK - Jeff
He won't last long - the Society doesn't want anyone to read Russell's stuff. It is more apostate that I am.
The owner of that site is thoroughly naive if he thinks the typically loyal JW gives a shit about researching all those old Watchtowers and publications. The only thing that matters to JW's is 'current truth' and 'new light'. Any point of interpretation that has been superceded by some 'new light' is now completely irrelevant and worthless. The only people who would ever seriously use that website are those who have some doubts and want to dig up the facts for themselves from the Watchtower's own mouth. Thus he is serving the interests of doubters and 'apostates'. Thanks!
A wolf in sheeps clothing, hmmmmmmmmmm. I really beleive he is a double agent!!