I was taking my dogs out for their morning routine and my neighbor was out about the same time. These are little minature poodles and they have only had them for about a year. The two weren't on leashes and never had been and I always worried that the little guys would get hit. Well, today a white car comes speeding about 40 through our subdivision and runs over their male dog (Chewy). The other dog barely got away but my neighbor had to carry her limp dog back to her apartment. Not only that her husband starts yelling at her at the top of his lungs telling her that it is her fault. Ok, I agree, she should have had them on a leash, but he's had them out without a leash as well. I feel so bad for her. They have a little girl that is about 4 and she's a mess too. One thing that bugs me is people fly through here. There is a sign that says 15 for speed. The white car didn't even stop and help. There are kids that play on the street. I'm also in fear that one of the kids through here are going to get hit. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway, I'm in a bad mood. I feel their pain as if it happened to one of my babies. I just wish there was something I can do to help them through their grief now.