They have ruined lives, destroyed people ..... mentally and/or emotinally...... Why?
And if they are hurt, some can still stay in and buy into the BS even if it means throwing out their own families?
Why, why, why?
by restrangled 18 Replies latest jw friends
They have ruined lives, destroyed people ..... mentally and/or emotinally...... Why?
And if they are hurt, some can still stay in and buy into the BS even if it means throwing out their own families?
Why, why, why?
I feel the same way. It is so hard for me to understand how this keeps going on. I hate it.
What helped me is getting away from all aspects.. Even this board for awhile.
It won't make them go away, but it takes some negativety away from daily life.
Some, such as elders, stay because they like the power they think they have over other jws.
Some stay out of fear of losing family if they leave
Some stay because they are too brainwashed to be capable of independent thought, and just can't see what is wrong with the org
Some, an increasingly small minority, I suspect, stay because they genuinely believe that the wtbts do have the truth.
Welcome to the human condition.
They are dying a slow death. With the information age they are losing their young people.-------and after all thats the only way they are making JWs-------------sex with other JWs.
Pretty soon it will be a bunch of 60s. 70s.and 80s old ladies there.-------------waiting for the Lord to come!
Thanks for the answers, I still want ALL, whats left of my family to get along and enjoy Christmas and a dinner together....but nothing doing. AND I MEAN NOTHING DOING. NO ONE EVEN TALKS TO EACH OTHER. I have a brother that died at age 19, I have another brother who lives 1/2 mile away but is so messed up from our upbringing we do not relate, my mom is 2 blocks away and she is shunning me even though I am not disfellowshiped. My father died at age 64 an apostate in my mothers eyes...
Welcome to the Jehovah's Witnesses.
They are masters at destroying relationships. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
I believe that there are probably more ex-JW's than active ones. It appears that only a small percentage are willing to do anything in the way of educating the public about JW's. If JW's became publicly humiliated and shamed about their conduct, then perhaps they might quit, stop or change their conduct.
restrangled,a few years ago,my house burned down and i was out of town.the fire dept called my sister,a jw idiot to see if she knew where i was.she not only didnt know,but didnt know{or care}what sort of vehicle i drove or where i might be..she to this day has never called me to see if i was alive or might need anything..BUT,my 'worldly' musician friends,threw a huge benefit for us and helped us out like you wouldnt believe..its plain to me who id rather spend eternity with...its amazing that these folks go from door to door and pester people about living their lives'right',when they are themselves some of the most miserable excuses for humans that ive ever seen...i hear your rage at losing your family..i had it too..still do,i guess..but the family members that i lost were such losers as humans that im sorta glad,in the long run,that i dont ever have to deal w.them...the borg can have 'em....
Thanks for responding, although I do not know you, I would have helped you in a minute. Its amazing how strangers feel the need to help neighbors and friends but the JW's don't want to help their own or god forbid, anyone in their own neighborhood.
Hope you are OK now.....:let me know.