I'm for discussion and support when things go wrong for us. They're not calling or dropping by for a chat over coffee, they're drawing lines in the sand, giving us ultimatums, and being mostly horrid. I think that if something like this has to be said in writing, the writer knows that there's a permanent record that can go anywhere in the world. And really, it's a big world... unless you've posted a picture of yourself and you're talking about your oldest sister's husband, the one who lives uptown with the twins in seventh grade, you're not identifying anybody.
I think the stuff we go through and have to listen to and deal with should be made public; they don't know it's wrong until somebody tells them they ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Added: To me it would be like if you wrote a letter to your parents about how you felt about the truth and they took it to the Kingdom Hall and read it to the congregation.
Not really; the congregation knows your name, where you live, shop and work. Their kids know the way your kids walk home from school. We don't even post email addresses here.