Do you think it's right?

by 5thGeneration 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    I'm for discussion and support when things go wrong for us. They're not calling or dropping by for a chat over coffee, they're drawing lines in the sand, giving us ultimatums, and being mostly horrid. I think that if something like this has to be said in writing, the writer knows that there's a permanent record that can go anywhere in the world. And really, it's a big world... unless you've posted a picture of yourself and you're talking about your oldest sister's husband, the one who lives uptown with the twins in seventh grade, you're not identifying anybody.

    I think the stuff we go through and have to listen to and deal with should be made public; they don't know it's wrong until somebody tells them they ought to be ashamed of themselves.

    Added: To me it would be like if you wrote a letter to your parents about how you felt about the truth and they took it to the Kingdom Hall and read it to the congregation.

    Not really; the congregation knows your name, where you live, shop and work. Their kids know the way your kids walk home from school. We don't even post email addresses here.

  • jgnat

    Side note,

    folkyc: I used the Data Protection Act, to force the Branch Office to release a copy of a letter written by the elders in my cong. to the branch. This was about a sister in the cong, the branch deleted any content about other people and sent it to the sister's address. She has now given it to me; it is the most appalling letter I have ever read in my whole life.

    I've promoted the use of privacy and freedom of information laws for some time as a way to get the society to toe the line. This is the first example I've heard about that worked! If elders knew that their words could be read by their victims, don't you think they will start being more careful about what they put in writing?

    Abusive organizations hide behind a cloak of secrecy. Shine a light on their activities, and they have to shape up.

    As for expected privacy of private correspondence, I think we should mask the identity of the author when we post such letters on this board, that's it.

  • fokyc

    Thanks jgnat for your support, the elders have not yet found out that I have this information.

    I am are waiting for the right moment, I shall then present them with their own writings and publish all

    or some suitable parts here for you all to read, so you can know for sure just what elders are really like.


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