heathen said: .The WT symbol is their corporate logo so unless it has something to do with avoiding taxation once again it really makes little sense for them to outlaw the use of it on buildings.
Ya but since when did they ever need a valid reason to come up with another man made rule? They got rid of playing the piano at the meetings for crissakes because some brothers and sisters were (gasp!) playing notes waaaaaay beyond what was written in the song book!!! And they wanted everything to be in "unity". How frigging stoopid and nit-picking is that? But I don't recall there being anything official in the literature about it.
Given their tract record of "simplifying" things, I could definitely see them coming up with an unofficial rule like "no symbols on the KH". Plus, they have an unhealthy paranoia of having anything that could be viewed as an "image", so I can see them canning it for that reason too. Anyway, as I said, I haven't seen a WT image on any Hall in years, unless it's a very old Hall. My local KH is about 20 years old but there's no WT symbols on it. However, there's an old one not too far away and they've got the old WT symbol right out front.
But take a look at this picture (and no, I didn't doctor it). This is the Stourport-on-Severn Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses (where is that? England?). Doesn't it look like an old converted church?!