I complain sometimes that it is annoying living in this small town of 6,000 because I am always running into (not over) my former witness "friends". But there are perks too : Yesterday my microwave stopped working , so I called the local downtown Maytag dealer . He promises to make a house call later in the afternoon to check it over . He actually shows up with a loaner microwave and takes mine back to the shop. Isn't that great customer service ! Sheeez the things that make my day .LOL And right now my neighbor is plowing the 9 inches of snow off our sidewalks w/o us even asking . I am getting so stinking positive it's frightening . Okay share what you like about where you live .....................
Sometimes living in a small town has it's perks ......
by troubled mind 18 Replies latest jw friends
I've always lived in small towns.... love it love it love it! And what you're talking about are the reasons why!
The area I live in now can't even be called a town, it's more an area where there is a concentration of homes, but even then, we've discovered we have some really lovely neighbors who ask about our children and how we are doing, and even how our dog is doing. When my hubby was off to military tech school in the lower 48 for several months last year, someone I didn't even know came and plowed my drive for me. How sweet is that?!?
I hope you thank the guy plowing the snow. I plowed snow for neighbors for years and I maybe got thanked twice. I plowed some Witness's drives and they would pull their shades when I was plowing. I didn't get a thanks, or even acknowledgement, from them, so I quit.
The lady across the road baked me a pan of brownies. That was a nice gesture, makes me want to help her again. -
My small town is about 3300 people, my husband's registration on his vehicle was expired (WAY EXPIRED) He finally gets pulled over for it one morning on his way to a meeting, he told the police officer that he knew, he was sorry and he was in a bit of a hurry, so the officer got the VIN and told him he would just drop the ticket off at our house I was home and the officer actually apologized to me for having to write the ticket but we were past the deadline for just getting a warning-
I live in Los Angeles.
The good: No one knows you.
The bad: No one knows you.
I live in a town full of tourists, here today gone tomorrow.
What I like about where I live, this is the best time of the year. I am sitting here in my shorts with the window open 77degrees. Tampa Bay Florida. The down side, if our microwave breaks we throw it away and go to wall mart and buy a new one for 30$ or maybe thats the upside because it would probably cost somebody 70$ to fix it here.
I like it here, but I would also enjoy living in a quaint small town. The problem would be finding work.
I live in Los Angeles.
So do I.
I like the variety.............of people, and the easy acessability of products. Whatever you want, whatever you need, it's here somewhere.
I live in a very small town.
There are some perks, though:
Hi troubled mind!
I live in a very small town pop. 2000. No traffic lights. People are very community oriented. Need your oil changed? They come and leave a loaner car and take yours and bring it back. A lot of people call you by name. Our neighbor plows our driveway and others too off the alley.
It's also family oriented. A lot of activities for the kids and teens.
I would hate to live in a big city.