Was there a knot pecking order at your hall, or was this not the case. (pardon the pun) http://www.tie-a-tie.net/ Ugh and if anyone has more coherent directions for tying a Windsor knot I'm all ears my piddly little fudged knot is the laughing stock of work. Funny that I enjoy wearing a tie for work, maybe because "sisters" would never have dreamed of doing so.
How did you tie your tie?
by Mysterious 13 Replies latest jw friends
I used clip ons most of the time. Now the normal way when I don't use a clipon.
Yes thier is a good tie tied right does put you up higher. Atleast where I live. Clipons are what newbs, slackers, faders, and, or apostates wear.( We know better of course )
What about the one size fits all tie on a short man >< because as a female it comes down way way low on me.
A few of the 'Brothersā¢' (including at least one in his 50s) would leave out the last two steps of the Windsor knot, so that the top part of the tie didn't go through anything. It looked rediculous.
I generally stuck with the half-Windsor knot. I generally left them tied and only loosened them when taking them off - important for those last-minute dashes to the Meetingsā¢.
It depends on the tie itself, namely the material it's made of.
If you have a fairly thick tie, then a half windsor works pretty well. A full windsor works with silk ties.
There are a few elders and GB members who would be best dressed in an "Alcatraz Ascot", and if there are any Daffy Duck fans out there, they should get that joke fairly quickly!
Darth Yhwh
I've always used the four in hand knot.
For some reason, the Colombian necktie never took off as a popular trend.
Great question.. I was wondering that just a few days ago when I tried on an old suit for an up-coming xmas party. The only way I can tie is if I dont think about it.. otherwise Im all sausage fingered. Might give you an idea of my state of mind during the meetings. GBL
Double Wendsor it makes a very nice knot that centers the tail.
Backed away
One of the good things I learned while I was a jw. double windsor just like rekless. I am surprised at how few know how to tie ties these days