Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-3-06 WT Study (PROVE YOUR FAITH)

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Why would you be marked as an apostate for studying the bible or WT in an informal group?

    zico, when the Great Apostasy at Bethel broke out in the early 1980's (during which Ray Franz, Ed Dunlap, and other Bethel heavies were asked to leave or DF'd), it was said that there were small informal groups at Bethel studying together coming up with "wrong" ideas about what the Bible taught and sharing it with people in their congregations.

    The fallout at the congregation level was that no groups of JWs could meet together to pre-study the WT. Two single people perhaps or 2 families but anything more than that brought pressure from the elders to end them. Those that refused could be labeled "apostate" and df'd.

    That was my experience; did anyone else have the same happen?

    *** w82 9/1 p. 18 par. 6 "Beloved Ones, . . . Keep Yourselves in God’s Love" ***

    Even today some try to draw the unsteady away into private groups, supposedly for "Bible study." This could never promote love for God, Christ and the Christian congregation.—Luke 11:23.


  • jgnat

    I would add, THEY DO NOT KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. A JW must constantly war with their own heart on whether they can sit down over tea and cookies with a neighbour, if they can converse with those seated at the back of their congregation, accept medical help to save a life, or even embrace their recalcitrant child. With these myriad rules warring in their minds, it's a wonder they are not paralyzed in place.

    In Watchtower-world, there's no concept of OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE. One overriding principle is that love conquers all. Do the loving thing, and everything else doesn't matter. Another overriding principle is reverence for life. After all, we are all walking around with the Breath of God in our lungs. We should not throw away life lightly.

    In Watchtower-world, these OVERRIDING PRINCIPLES are buried under the mangled mat of RULES. Why? Because the OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE of the WTBTS is FOLLOW US OR ELSE. If the golden rule were followed in the WTBTS, the entire punishment apparatus (Disfellowshipping) would fall apart.

    My appeal to reading Jehovah's Witnesses this week, find all your children and embrace each one of them. Don't wait for the graves to be opened, do it today!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    excellent elaboration jgnat! thank you. .......... we are on day 5 of fallout cause I asked hubby to come with me to my sisters', but its her birthday :-(

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    p.s. to add - I had no idea this was the topic for this week - but his behaviour sure makes sense - I think he sees how controlling this BS is and knows he has to follow! - but in his heart maybe he doesn't see what the big deal is! so takes his frustrations out on others. I pray for cracks every day. wp

  • Pahpa


    In the early 80s we had a young couple from Bethel come back to our old congregation to share their experiences. They were getting disillusioned precisely because of the restrictions on Bible study and free discussion. They also noted the cruel treatment that was being meted out to those like Ray Franz and Ed Dunlap. It really was the main factor that made many of us begin to question the validity of the FDS. Up until that time, we felt that the "human imperfections" we saw in the congregations would be corrected by those in the Governing Body. But when we heard of the terrible things happening at Bethel, we realized that things were far worse at the headquarters. In time, a large number of us left the organization. Most were disfellowshipped for "apostasy." Our sin was that we questioned the "faithful and discreet slave."

  • Zico

    Thanks Blondie,

    'The fallout at the congregation level was that no groups of JWs could meet together to pre-study the WT. Two single people perhaps or 2 families but anything more than that brought pressure from the elders to end them.'

    I don't think this is still policy as I know of 'spiritual' youths who regularly get together to pre-study the WT. I used to do it with them, but now I avoid it. But then, considering that we had a Watchtower symbol built into our Kingdom Hall brickwork within the last 5 years, it's possible that our elders just don't always follow policy? Though, it's only ever the WT, and never the bible, of course!

  • blondie

    Remember that this happened right when the scare was happening. It has been over 24 years since then and perhaps they feel that it is safe now. It could be that most of the elders were young JWs at the time and don't remember the fear of apostates taking away people. We had groups of about 10 to 12 single people.

    We had many social gatherings end then too because of the ambiguous "no large group gatherings" and the elders inability to determine what was a large group, 5, 10, 15?

    I still wouldn't advise that an active JW advertise he/she was having an informal pre-study of the WT around here on a regular basis.


  • SirNose586

    I took great exception to the paragraph as to how "small gatherings" were to be conducted. I didn't get chewed out as much as when I questioned an experience, but at least I spoke my mind...this crazy micromanaging is really bothering me.

    Because of tomorrow's study, I warned everyone that now these were new rules for every party.

  • Gill

    Spot on Jgnat!!!!

    I remember feeling that way every day of my life as a JW!

    Now I listen to 'the law of my heart' which is to be naturally good! The Watchtower is naturally BAD and that is why JWs are in constant war with themselves!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Blondie,

    "...will they [the guests] remember the music as reflecting that the couple were doing everything in THE NAME OF JESUS?" [emphasis added] --- Col. 3:17

    Not Jehovah?!?!? It's a refreshing change to give the Son a little recognition. Will the WT convert to Christianity? Will there be fallout over this?

    A friend told me the other day how much his elderly mother enjoyed the little gathering of friends come together to discuss the WT study articles. This was quite a few years ago. When Brother RULES-and-REGS got wind of the dear and happy, little "Bible" study group's nefarious undercover sessions, he put an abrupt end to them. His mum was a genteel lady of the never-complain-never-explain school. But this outrage really got to her.

    Take care of that ear, Blondie.

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


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