Things in which the Watchtower should mind it's own business...

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    What hobbies an individual pursues and how much time they choose to spend on that hobby.


  • BizzyBee

    • what one chooses to believe
    • what one chooses to read
    • how one chooses to worship
    • how one chooses to spend time
    • with whom one chooses to fellowship
    • what one chooses to celebrate
  • stillajwexelder

    people's bedrooms

    peoples living/TV rooms

    people's dining rooms

  • 5thGeneration

    JH touched on it but no one will say it:

    Whether your wife can give you a blowjob!

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    whether jesus died on a cross or a stake.

    every little thing from celebrating birthdays to clinking glasses before drinking.

  • lighthouse19something

    1) If you go to kingdom hall on your vacation

    2) If I don't want to go in debt to go to assemblies

    3)Unchaperoned dating (for singles)

    4) If Married couples can have whatever sex they want together

    5) If singles masturbate (better than getting AIDS)

    7) If I don't want to pioneer

    8)If I want to check out information on the web

    9) If I don't want to discuss my love life with elders when I haven't done anything ( not having a sex life is embarrassing too

  • sspo

    Tomorrow's study article what kind of a wedding reception and how much you should spend and if you do not obey the fds, you are faithless

  • Quandary

    Interpreting every single scripture in the book of Revelation to apply to them! Honestly, can they be more arrogant??


  • Junction-Guy

    How about child rearing? They need to keep their nose out of that.

  • DoubleYouBee

    I expect this list to grow!

    My addition - They should've stayed out of the Bible interpretation business... as it's obvious they had/have NO business speaking FOR God... or even ABOUT God. And it seems they're blocked from even talking TO God, 'cause they're definitely not getting any messages FROM God....

    ~Peace~ WB

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