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Jehovahs Witnesses and Ecclesiastical Authority
by concerned elder 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
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Is the material available anywhere else?
concerned elder
For anyone interested in receiving a copy of my study can contact me directly at [email protected] or simply post an email address that I can send to you.
Side note: I appreciate the words of Jedi's second response but I do believe strongly that I as well as many I have come into contact with are clearly determined to allow the research to speak for itself. Although the findings could be defined as biased or opposed to WBTS teachings the process of obtaining those findings were and still are unbiased from the standpoint of the researchers. I was simply determined to find an answer to a challenging question possed to me and my research determined my change of thought. I agree with Jedi in not quibbleing over words and that is good advise. I on the otherhand try and avoid words that have a deffinate negative slant. Respect for the thinking of others as well as the opposing subject demands this.
For those of you who have contacted me with words of thoughtfulness and respect for the materials found (as well as your welcoming me to JWD) I thank you and look forward to further discussion and contact. The present study took me over 6 months to produce but I have numerous other subjects I am working on that I will gladly post as they near completion. In the mean time, thank you for your interest.
With regard to the post asking me what I will do now: My future is my own and I am planning on making changes in my life but they will be made in such a way as to make the transition as easy to bear to my family and those whom I love as painless as possible. I may be hoping for too much but I will proceed with this approach regardless. I will walk away with as clean and clear a conscience as can possibly be achieved.
Welcome Concerned Elder
I was to late to receive the material at that site.
Thanks for sharing your email address so any that are interested are able to read the material
Thanks. I'm looking forward to reading your research. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with the concept and existence of a GB per se. The issue is about the degree of control and authority they exert, particularly if that authority is claimed to have divine backing. It's amazing how JW's have swallowed the idea that the GB is a modern-day parallel to the first century body in Jerusalem. To most persons the flaw in such a notion is quite obvious, but for those who are brainwashed and indoctrinated over many years into accepting such an idea its not until they analyse it methodically that the differences become glaringly apparent.