....which had to be used to help someone else, what would you wish for? End world hunger? Cure AIDS? I'm leaning toward equal education for EVERYONE, with heavy emphasis in the fields of Science and History. As I see it, lack of information limits people to make fewer choices which essentially keep them from progressing. The vast majority of advancements which make our lives better than those of people 1000 years ago (or any other time period you care to name) have come about by application of science. Science has solved many problems which plagued earlier generations, for example, some diseases which once killed thousands are almost completely gone, you hardly ever hear of anyone dying of smallpox or bubonic plague anymore. Science has given us effective birth control, so children can be had when we choose, rather than by accident. Science has shown how to grow food more efficiently and feed more people from the same amount of cropland. Admittedly, some of what science discovers can be misapplied, or used for destructive purposes, overall, science causes society to move forwards, and the more scientists a given society has, the faster that society can progress. I also believe that knowledge of history is important to see mistakes made by earlier generations.
If you had ONE wish....
by gaiagirl 16 Replies latest jw friends
I like your thoughts on education, and think it should be improved especially in this country.
If I had one wish, it would be to end all religion. I think that would take care of a lot of current problems in the world.
So, many things to wish for. Can I wish for more wishes?
I really like your choice, gaiagirl, it fits right into the "give a man/teach a man (to fish)" theory of lifting people up.
I can't think of any one thing that could do more to lift the world out of poverty and violence. It would even go a long way towards fulfilling Mulan's wish to end religion (perhaps not ending religion, but mitigating the worst of it's horrible negatives).
For sure........... education can open people's eyes and hearts to truth. I used to pooh pooh the study of philosophy, but now I think everyone should study it. It would go a long way towards informing people of the origins of belief, and religion.
I actually have 4....sorry,
TheFirst would be the stop to partial birth abortions under any circumstances ....this is where the fetus' head is delivered and then a hole is drilled into it's skull to pull out the brains. No anesthesia for the baby and this is used at 3rd and 4th term pregnancies. (I am a prochoice girl, but not for this)
The second would be the end to mutilation of girls IE: their supposed circumcision which is still being practiced without anesthesia on little girls in 3rd world countries.
The Third would be to end any abuse on any children anywhere in the world.
The Fourth would be to end medical testing and abuse of animals.
I wish that "truth" would be set straight once and for all.
My first two answers are already mentioned. I would then wish for people to love themselves.
Mine is a very seflish one....i would wish to have a relationship with my children,,even only 1 of the 4 would be enough,,i had a hard day today,,,with xmas music and tv shows.....
i had a hard day today
(((wendy))), I hope your day gets better. I know horrible days and while mine are not due to children, I can empathize with those who feel down. We love you here, though, so stick around here. Maybe things will look up for you soon.