Hey all, new member to the board. My dad recently sic'd an old elder from our assigned hall on us and he's been calling quite frequently. I'm a complete fade for the past 10 years, my wife is a reluctant fader. After they showed up on Saturday morning I told my wife and she actually answered the door. After a brief talk they dropped a tract with us and left. My wife mentioned that they show up 2-3 times a week. In our complex there is no solicitation so if anyone ever stops them from going door to door he laughed as he told my wife that they say they were just visiting us. My wife was miffed that they would lie to people and also that it calls attention to us. I mentioned that I thought that they were most likely just going for an easy RV and we had to think... I know calling on an unbaptized fader can count as an RV, but what about a baptized fader? Are we just stat-boosters for our local hall?
Visit on fader, is that a return visit?
by Paralipomenon 13 Replies latest jw friends
Paralipomenon, Hello, welcome to the board, In my opinion, its all a numbers gave, the lawyers call it quid quo pro, everybodys working an angle looking for something in return. That's life. When I left the organization in 83, I never answered the door or the phone to any jw's and I never had a problem, never got dissfellowshiped now its 23 years latter.
If assigned by the elder body to call on or study with an inactive JW, they can count the time.
*** km 2/82 p. 7 Can They Be Helped? ***
In the coming months the secretary and service overseer will determine which inactive ones in the territory would likely respond to help. If you should be asked to study with an inactive one, you may report the time, return visit and Bible study until the individual has completed the study of one book.
Wasanelder Once
Correct, no RV on inactives. Even when it's a Bible study with an inactive one its not an RV. That's the slant I took on it anyway. A Bible study is generally an RV, but I don't think an reactivation effort is. Super stupid details from an really number fixated group of book salesmen. ( and there's not even a bonus for most sales.)
Actually, each time a bible study is conducted, a return visit is also counted per WTS policy. From my pioneering days:
km4/87p.4QuestionBox***A return visit and the time spent are counted each time a home Bible study is conducted. If circumstances require that another publisher accompany the one who conducts the study, and if both share in the study in a meaningful way, both may count the time. However, only the conductor of the study will report the return visit and the Bible study. Ordinarily it should not be necessary for more than two publishers to be involved in teaching at a home Bible study.
Just wanted to say welcome to the board!!
Is there anyway to let management know, if they are questioned, what they are doing?? That's almost a lie. But then, that's why they stop at your door so much, isn't it??
Blondie posts the answer, but keep in mind how the door-to-door recruiters think.
They don't have a list of rules in front of them about what to count and not to count
as productive hours. They feel that they are preaching to you. Even if nobody
assigned them to go try and start aBibleLiterature Study with you, they are
counting that time, YOU KNOW IT. If they left any literature with you, they counted
that, too.Are they breaking any rules to do it, probably. It's tuff for a fader, they are unwelcome,
but you don't want them telling the body of elders that you chased them away.WELCOME TO THE THREADS.
Thanks for the warm welcome all. It was more a question of procedure than truth. I'm quite sure they are counting the time and RV's, I kinda forgot if we were official or not. I remember all too well about the "tricks" to good service numbers. I remember a sister in the hall had her van stolen with her service bag in it. She was quite distraught until I pointed out that she could consider all the lost publications as placements. I think she was seriously considering it up until they found her service bag pitched on the side of the road with watchtowers and tracts littering the field. Pity, she really could have had a banner month!
Some JWs are too scrupulous and others way too lax when "counting time." I'm sure any JW calling on an inactive JW would count the time, after all some places in the WT pubs say that these people are no longer JWs since they are not "turning in time" to the WTS.
There certainly is no elder going door to door to make sure that the circumstances fit the situation.
I have found that some JWs never visit those who are ill at home or in the hospital...because they can't count their time and they are "behind."
2 hours Saturday morning
9:45--call rv from the KH...never home
10:45--Travel around several territories backtracking yourself--1 hour
11:30--Stop for break--15 minutes but really 45 minutes
11:45--call same rv called from KH...never home
2 hours Saturday morning
Blondie, I knew that publisher. But the pioneers really have it down. They slip in several 15 minutes or less personal errands and really only try to reach a handful of people each day they get between 3 and 7 hours. I am happy for them, though. They all hate the door-to-door work. If any of you were ever telemarketers or sales people, didn't you hate the cold-calls? Pretty much a waste of time.
I feel for you, P. You probably need to tactfully tell them that they are not interesting. Or don't answer the door to them, even if they know you are home- as I fade, I will probably do that.