They are starting to think like the Catholic Church- long term goals.
They can see the writing on the wall for their current growth or lack thereof.
They can see how governments around the world hate them. They expect more
lawsuits and negative publicity. The Governing Body members know that they
are capable of anything within a two-thirds majority's grasp. Many are probably
thinking about mainstreaming after the oldest faithful die off. They are also doing
it in babysteps. They have to overcome the oracle days of F. Franz.
They already found themselves agreeing with the UN on many matters in the pages
of Awake! and WT. Just keep going. They are already known for showing up after
disasters to aid their own and a few others. The UN should like that. They will
probably continue printing articles on being good tax-paying citizens, supporting
efforts to improve schools / neighborhoods. Babysteps toward voting and serving in
the military.
I love to talk about the fall of the tower, but truth be told, I see them morphing into
something else. Either mainstream religion or just a regular printing company that
pays the taxes. They are more likely to mainstream.