by Terry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    I want to also discuss your first arguement:

    Notice how you "frame" the two definitions -

    Superstition is fearful behavior

    Fairth is positive.

    you did not really answer the question. Is all you did is include definitions for the words with "loaded" words such as "Fearful" when defining superstition and "Positive" when describing faith.

    Again, how do I get rid of this damn highlighting!!!

  • peggy

    I suppose men that watch porn just have a HEALTHY sex drive.

    Men v. Women


  • Terry

    You are trying to control the arguement by making a statement that cannot be defined.

    Do all women who read romance novels suffer, or just more than one? If you can find more than one wome who suffers neurosis does that prove a link between reading and neurosis? Of course not. But I think that is your point.

    The way you frame your arguement is the means of controling the arguement.

    BTW, how do I get rid of this damn highlighting??

    Highlighting can bring out contrasts and enhance your natural color, but; too much can damage your roots.

    I work in a bookstore, Half-Price Books, and see first hand the people who sell and buy Romance novels.

    The first disturbing thing I noticed was that the women who buy/sell romance books are addicted to them to the extent they buy up to 60 at a time if they are cheap enough! I have a saying: With men it is potato chips; with women it is romance novels.

    The second disturbing thing about it is that 90% of these books stink on ice. There is no content. The format, continuity and level of writing are apallingly feckless. In effect, it is the same story again and again with only the names of the characters changed and the location and time.

    Thirdly, some desperate women travel all over the metroplex to find just one book they have missed! Instead of ordering it from Amazon they get in their car and drive hither and thither with gas prices at a prohibitive level. Go figure!

    Fourth, what casual prodding I've been able to do (friendly probing questions in an offhand manner) reveals that women know it is trash they are reading one after the other! It crowds out thinking about the real world and pacifies some deep need to empathize with the man/woman ethos in a safe venue.

    The next observation is very unkind of me to mention, so; faint hearts (and liberals) need not read it. It will enflame you. These women are (to put it as kindly as possible) unkempt, ragged, unhealthy-looking and below average in appearance. Yet, they are bright, pleasant and friendly.

    I call the addiction to romance novels escapism. But, they are escaping from real life to the extent their dreams of passion might better be realized by a hands-on dedication to self-improvement reading and a regimen of exercise and socializing.

    That is why I used the word NEUROTIC!


    p.s. After you post, go back and click EDIT. Highlightonly the words you wish to effect.

  • Terry

    I want to also discuss your first arguement:

    Notice how you "frame" the two definitions -

    Superstition is fearful behavior

    Fairth is positive.

    you did not really answer the question. Is all you did is include definitions for the words with "loaded" words such as "Fearful" when defining superstition and "Positive" when describing faith.

    Well, first of all, they weren't arguments. It was a format example.

    I presented a statement and then refuted it myself. It wasn't intended to be an in-depth analysis. It was an example of how to reply to a statement in order to prove it wrong.

    Don't use the highlight buttom WHILE YOU ARE POSTING or everything will be affected.

    Go back AFTER you post. Then, edit.

  • daystar
    Daystar asserts: Somewhere in the universe there is a planet inhabited entirely by Q-tips.
  • Terry

    I suppose men that watch porn just have a HEALTHY sex drive.

    Men v. Women


    This is actually an interesting question!

    I think the sex drive that men have DEVELOPS over time. It is fed by OPPORTUNITY to experience lust. If the lust can be heightened visually and then satisfied by masturbation it is a cheap and handy QUICK FIX.

    Then, the problems begin.

    Real life relationships aren't cheap and handy because humanity is complex and vulnerable.

    An adolescent boy who can whack off with dirty magazines may be "following his natural urges" in one sense. However, he is developing a pattern which becomes a habit mentally and physiologically crippling.

    Crippling? In this sense: the young man just wants quick-fix satisfaction sex. He will say or do whatever necessary to make a girl comply. This converts his humanity into something cynical. He becomes a user of others.

    Women are objectified. Sex becomes about using whatever is SEEN which can enflame the desire and heighten it. A women becomes, in the mind of the guy, what she LOOKS like. Not WHO SHE IS!

    A young man will grow into an older man. The habits learned early travel in time to the older man.

    A married man still has the same masturbatory fantasy brain he had as a teenager. But, his girlfriend is now a woman with a different view of life than taking care of his every whim. She has feelings of her own.

    The masturbatory male is easily frustrated when his mate declines his incessant need for quick satisfaction.

    He turns more and more into resolving his frustrations with more and more pornography. The law of inverse proportions (More is Less) requires dirtier and dirtier pictures to excite him.

    In the above sense (a rather extreme scenario) pornography makes a guy less of a human being and a worse and worse lover/father/person.

    How to stop the cycle of abuse?

    Don't turn to inanimate objects for sexual stimulation in the first place. Keep it real. Go through a courtship process and EARN your right to PLEASURE rather than taking quick-fix shortcuts.

    Masturbation can result in stealing from yourself and your mate the VALUE of earning the wonderful feelings of courtship, foreplay and afterglow by converting it into getting off, rolling over and watching tv.

    The harder you have to work for something (anything really) the more you value it WHEN IT IS YOURS.

    Pornography is counterfeit feeling. It isn't satisfying to a genuine person. Moving your gonads is not an accomplishment requiring affection, empathy or caring.

    Look at the scenario of present day pornography and ask yourself "What are these people doing?"

    It is usually about a man who has semi-contempt for his female partner. He uses her, manipulates her and rewards her compliance by sending her off to the shower in much the way a dog rewards a fire hydrant.

    This is humanity?

    HEALTHY sex drive

    No. A healthy sex drive has a healthy outlet stimulated by healthy thoughts.

    A great many (if not all) of the women used by men in pornography come from abused families. They are victims. They are somebody's sister, daughter and mother.

    When you too use them you are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.

  • Terry
    Daystar asserts: Somewhere in the universe there is a planet inhabited entirely by Q-tips.

    I was at the local mall the other day and there were alot of cute hips on this planet!!

  • peggy

    I have to say Terry------except for that last SILLY reply (which is just an example of YOUR corny humor) your wisdom on Man v. Women has earned my RESPECT!


  • AuldSoul
    Terry asserts: Women who read romance novels are suffering a neurosis.

    1. Your source from Wikipedia states that, cognitively, neuroses are characterized "problems such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts and obsession, habitual fantasizing, negativity and cynicism."

    2. While women who habitually/obessively read romance novels may be neurotic, reading a romance novel and being female does not qualify someone as neurotic.

    AuldSoul asserts: If I do not make a positive assertion, you can't prove me wrong. PROVE ME WRONG!
  • Blueblades

    Terry, your response to peg, man vs. woman, started with "I Think." What you responded with demonstrats that you are a "Thinker." Where do you get your information from concerning this response to peg? The response is right on point, it is logical and I can't prove you wrong on this response.


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