I suppose men that watch porn just have a HEALTHY sex drive.
Men v. Women
This is actually an interesting question!
I think the sex drive that men have DEVELOPS over time. It is fed by OPPORTUNITY to experience lust. If the lust can be heightened visually and then satisfied by masturbation it is a cheap and handy QUICK FIX.
Then, the problems begin.
Real life relationships aren't cheap and handy because humanity is complex and vulnerable.
An adolescent boy who can whack off with dirty magazines may be "following his natural urges" in one sense. However, he is developing a pattern which becomes a habit mentally and physiologically crippling.
Crippling? In this sense: the young man just wants quick-fix satisfaction sex. He will say or do whatever necessary to make a girl comply. This converts his humanity into something cynical. He becomes a user of others.
Women are objectified. Sex becomes about using whatever is SEEN which can enflame the desire and heighten it. A women becomes, in the mind of the guy, what she LOOKS like. Not WHO SHE IS!
A young man will grow into an older man. The habits learned early travel in time to the older man.
A married man still has the same masturbatory fantasy brain he had as a teenager. But, his girlfriend is now a woman with a different view of life than taking care of his every whim. She has feelings of her own.
The masturbatory male is easily frustrated when his mate declines his incessant need for quick satisfaction.
He turns more and more into resolving his frustrations with more and more pornography. The law of inverse proportions (More is Less) requires dirtier and dirtier pictures to excite him.
In the above sense (a rather extreme scenario) pornography makes a guy less of a human being and a worse and worse lover/father/person.
How to stop the cycle of abuse?
Don't turn to inanimate objects for sexual stimulation in the first place. Keep it real. Go through a courtship process and EARN your right to PLEASURE rather than taking quick-fix shortcuts.
Masturbation can result in stealing from yourself and your mate the VALUE of earning the wonderful feelings of courtship, foreplay and afterglow by converting it into getting off, rolling over and watching tv.
The harder you have to work for something (anything really) the more you value it WHEN IT IS YOURS.
Pornography is counterfeit feeling. It isn't satisfying to a genuine person. Moving your gonads is not an accomplishment requiring affection, empathy or caring.
Look at the scenario of present day pornography and ask yourself "What are these people doing?"
It is usually about a man who has semi-contempt for his female partner. He uses her, manipulates her and rewards her compliance by sending her off to the shower in much the way a dog rewards a fire hydrant.
This is humanity?
HEALTHY sex drive
No. A healthy sex drive has a healthy outlet stimulated by healthy thoughts.
A great many (if not all) of the women used by men in pornography come from abused families. They are victims. They are somebody's sister, daughter and mother.
When you too use them you are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.