thanks leo! :)
after all of these years, i still do not really know the answer to this question. if having sold paintings to collectors, and having been in group shows is a demarcation of professional and amature, then i guess i am a professional.
but, i don't see my work as professional, even my really clean and technically precise work (not shown here), and these paintings. and that's because i never really knew myself, or liked myself before. but something recently has changed. i know my work will change too, but i am not sure how.
i am not afraid of new technology and media in contemprary art, and i have explored some before. but i am also hessitant to be involved in the art world. so this is a factor for me too. we'll see! but i think i will continue on, refining myself, and by extension my work. the one thing that i am no longer interested in representing is inner struggle. if some work can come from inner peace, then great! i see this as the difference between earnestness and ambition. we'll see.
cool show! there are so many people putting out great stuff these days. thx,
ps: thanks juni! it's all art, for sure!