Do you guys have friends who are not of your religion? If that person is a good human being but from a different faith will you guys have a issue? are you guys open to new beliefs?
wha about others beliefs?
by hindweb 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome to the board!! You will find a very wide range of beliefs here. Very few are still jehovah's witnesses.
I found my path with Wicca.
blessed be!
Do you guys have friends who are not of your religion?
BTW, I fired the Watchtower as my spiritual advisors because their advice is wrong.
Hi and welcome to the board
Most of the people on this board aere ex witnesses, like myself. Some have gone to other faiths, and some, like me, have left religion of any kind behind them.
I can't say that I'm currently open to any kind of new belief, or will be in the future. I was an atheist prior to being conned by the jws, and now wish I'd stayed that way. I have reverted back to that state of non - belief, and would be very hard to convince again that there ie anything in religion worthwhile even looking at, let alone following.
Hi Hindweb
welcome to JWD.
I have no problems with others peoples beliefs as long as they dont impact on others lives and cause harm.
As for me - I believe in now, I can see it, feel it and maybe influence it for the better if necessary for those around me.
If there is a supreme being in any shape or form they know my history and what makes me what I am, I have nothing else to work with in a "spiritual" sense.
Anglise of the
20 years a methodist
20 years a dub and NOW FREE TO BE ME CLASS
A Paduan
If that person is a good human being but from a different faith will you guys have a issue?
It's unusual to consider that jws or 'different faith' folk are considered in such a context of 'good human beings'.
Certain moral behaviour is inherrant to mankind in general, historically and culturally - and in a secular and 'atheist' context.
It is my experience that it is jws and 'different faith' folk that manage to transgress even the basic and fundamental issues of moral culture.
Just something I thought about today while listening to a program on the history of moral behaviour - that most of mankind already have a natural moral code - which can then be dispensed with after joining a fundamentalist cult.
Welcome to the board!
I personally have friends who are Christian, agnostic, atheist, muslim, jewish and hindu. Even some others who are "undecided". I have no issues with their beliefs. Sometimes we discuss religion but we try to keep it respectful of the other person's belief. In doing this we try to stay on a common ground, talking about things we will generally all agree with.
As far as the board, all are welcome and we have a great variety of belief systems here. Lilly
hindweb, I've checked your posting history, and every single one of your posts links to your religion of choice. We do not allow spamming or advertising on this board. Please stop, or you will be suspended.
Have you not heard of the JW's talking about the 'Bad associations' thing. Yes your advised not to have any friends outside of the faith because apparently thier all bad!!!!!
Yes thats the narrowmindedness of thier way of thinking