Thank you everyone! Thank you Hammy for even responding considering all you are going through. You have been deep in my heart all day.{{{{HammyHugs}}}} I am going to contact the Ombudsman and several other agencies to promote the group and receive more information.
The reason for the research is to help cover legal issues along with common sense. We will be screening every applicant and doing a criminal background check. As a church we have that capability since we do background checks for the children's ministry. Applicants will file forms also with the facility that they will be volunteering at.
Mulan- I can't believe an aid was even giving meds! That is so wrong. I don't even think that is legal in California, I have seen what you mean about them being treated like children. I was appaled to find them sitting at a table with crayons and childrens coloring books. I was embarrased for them. No one who works there smiles either. One thing I am going to teach my volunteers is to not be effected by the way those around the Seniors treat them. One may start to think that is ok when it is not. One comment that really bothered me on so many levels was when I was being introduced to one of the Seniors on my list. She could not remember the aid and the aid said; "of course you remember me, you are just being a stinker". Then another day a patient could not move her wheelchair out of the way and someone in a high position there said "why are you being like this today, what is wrong with you" ...
The program is underway. It is called "Adopt a Senior." I have fallen in love with my adoptee. She is blind, wheelchair bound, so very sweet and appreciative. To be a volunteer they must agree to adopt them into their family as if they were beloved family members, visit them at least once a week, and since this is beginning as a faith based ministry, to pray for them daily.
We have designed a certificate of adoption to be signed by the pastor. Two copies will be made, one for the adopter and one for the adoptee to be hung in their rooms. We're asking for a lifelong commitment but will understand of course if something comes up and assign another volunteer.
nelly-I have seen that behavior on the part of the staff and it really confounds me. I don't have a psychology degree but do you really need one to learn how to treat Seniors with dignity? This so needs to change!
Shelly-The other aspect of this ministry will be a home delivery of food, clothes and blankets for Seniors at home. Also home repairs and or referal guides to help them get all the help they are intitled to. I'll be coordinating with the local senior center. I am doing fundraising daily to get the Senior account filled up. Not bringing in as much as I want but not giving up! I get new ideas on who to hit up. Donation are tax deductible so I don't really like taking no for an answer when I know the business has made plenty of money off this local resident for many years.
Recently my town has had an overnight real estate boom and that caused rent to skyrocket. Now we have Seniors living in their cars! My friend is an RN working for the County and she is feeding me all the info as she gets it on what is going on, she is on the front line so to speak. My mother who lives with me now, she posts here on the forum as "yucca" she is 76, was paying under $350 a month for rent. This year it went up to $700! She would have been up a creek.
exwitless-I asked my precious adoptee if she could tell the world one thing, what would she want the world to know. She said; "I want them to know that we are very lonely in here. There are many who have nobody to come see them, no one to talk to them, we just need people to come visit, it would mean so much to us." My new friend is a smoker so I take her out to the patio to toke a doobie lol...I'm learning to watch where the feet are at all times and go through the doors backward..I'm going to show her how to use a CD player and get her books on CD. She used to read mysteries, she has been blind about 5 years.
I am wanting to cover all I can legally so I'm wanting to design a chart with the Seniors name on it, then have the nurse initial all items which are aplicable such as; is this patient on a restrictive diet, can this patient have their nails trimmed (some can't due to diabetes) etc..have them date and sign it and make sure the volunteers have it signed once a month.
We are working to gather gifts for the Christmas party. My hubby is going to go play Christmas songs with his band for them next Saturday the 16th, the party on the 21st..uuuuhhhhhggggg the activity director is going to dress up like SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!! For goodness sakes!!! Hopefully we can add a little sanity and dignity to it. We being myself and my team of volunteers. I have about 4 just getting started.
I'm also creating a poster, it is in my head. It has pictures of Seniors around it, and the certificate of adoption in the center with a caption. So I also need pictures of Seniors with written permission to use the picture in a poster that may end up being used and seen by many.
Well enough for now. I'll post the mission statement tomorrow.
Thank you all so much. Bookmark this thread if you want and add your thoughts as you think of things.