babylon-mind thread. loaded with false focus, violent focus, because you america, do not understand.
there are humanitarian human people in the world, working to help, with their bare hands and lucid minds. bush is giving his "liberal" Dem budies something to scurry around and peck for scraps with.
i can see the thinly vieled violence of what you are saying and, Sailor Ripley. i can see it for what it is, and pardon me if i call you a troll! and i think it's sad that you find it necessary to to use the dafur situation to justify the violence, aggression and other policies of your own government.
if somalia had oil, not that i expect you to even see this simply as what it is, bush would not be asking for "us" to help somalis. he would be helping himself, with his interests and assets. but he can't won't, because his interests and assets are tied up elsewhere.
Therefore, we call on you to do the following:
how many billions are his pupiteers spending on iraq? how many billions is the US government giving to human people with ideas that do not involve guns and ammo?
perhaps you fail to see that the world does not want your participation in world events right now, especially in africa.
you're empire is falling. it's a state of mind, and it doesn't care about darfur. spare us the smug jock smiles and fix your own mess in your own minds! take all the guns you have, and point them at yourselves for a change! meditate on that feeling it gives you for a while, and you will understand why the world hates you. note: medetation involves shutting up for a while, as a nation, when you feel the need, *once again* to reply to "anti-war" types like me.
I don't get it. How do countries expect our help, take Bosnia (Clinton) and now Darfur? Who goes? Our military, which is sooo hated? Who fights? Our military, which is sooo hated? Who dies? You've got it, Our military, which is sooo hated.
and actually, i think it is time the US got out of world affairs for a while. so no, i do not think sending american troops anywhere, including darfur, is going to help africa.
the US can finish itself in iraq, and when it is done, it should sit down and shut up for a few decades, and concentrate on their own inner problems, and leave the rest of the fucking liberated world to address real complexities. real human complexities.
the US is broken inside. how the hell do you think you are going to help outside? not to mention darfur!
keep your knights in kevlar armour to yourselves for a while. you have enough land. learn to use it and worship it, and stop interfereing with us, the rest! thanks george bush. maybe you were right.
Therefore, we call on you to do the following:
not you.
good night violent babylon people, and your loaded, self serving, questions about africa. keep your money too, it's no good here anymore.