And, If this ever happened it could go like this:
A JW debates a Mormon about who is the one true religion on earth and a stalemate ensues so they go to an impartial Beit Din- a Jewish religious court of law- The Rabbis listens to each sides arguemenst and then rule " We have three choices here,
#1- The JW is right , #2- the Mormon is right or #3, they are both wrong , it's a black and white open and shut case".
The JW protests -""But ,We are God's chosen organization on earth, The Governing Body told me so!"
The Rabbi says : "We have three choices here"
Jehovah has seen 100 years worth WT doctrinal flip flops, false prophecies, innocent deaths from WT medical rules, KH protected pedophiles, etc and:
A: He saw it and doesn't care
B: He saw it and does care, but can't do anything about it
C: God didn't see anything, doesn't care and can't do anything.
Which answer do you think is right?