Interesting Radical Islam video clip
by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends
Just confirms what I already knew.
Its pretty scary, especially when we got a dingbat president taking the war to the wrong muslum country agitating them all.
I posted about this video several times, it really has me wondering if the video is accurate, I sure hope it is not. If this video is accurate we are in the war for our very lives, our children's lives. our hopes and dreams.
Religion is the stench of man.
Muslin's will be hunted down and killed without cause, we will see soon, in our life time mobs will hunt out and hang Muslim's just because they are Muslims. People will do it to the Muslin's before the Muslims can do it to them.
I saw a special segment anout this documentery on FOX news. Yes I love FOX news.
It was extremely worrysome.
" Muslin's will be hunted down and killed without cause, we will see soon, in our life time mobs will hunt out and hang Muslim's just because they are Muslims. People will do it to the Muslin's before the Muslims can do it to them."
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Propaganda to make you fear Muslims, that's all.
kwintestal I think you are right. I know that many of the Elders that I thought were balanced would of killed me if they could have. I asked several of them if they were told by the Govern Body this was the final test and if they were faithful they would gain life in the New World, that they were told to go home and kill their wife and children> Remember this is from the Governing Body would they do it. Guess what I was told by everyone I asked, YES!!! Think about that for a moment.
People here are no different.
What type of person are you? Would hide a Muslin, provide shelter and food for one if your life and family was in harms way by sheltering one?
I would, I hope everyone here on this board would like wise.
Merry Magdalene
from ("We watch FOX so you don't have to)
The film was hosted by none other than Fox former morning chat show host, E.D. Hill who introduced the segments and interviewed the film’s director Wayne Kopping. After a short film clip of generic Jihadists shouting (translated, of course) “bomb, bomb, USA, Death to America, and Kill the Jews,” E.D. explained that Islamic Radicals are the “new Nazis and they want you dead.” She claimed that Islamic Jihad is the “most deadly threat of our times” and noted that “we here at Fox believe every American should know” about this. (Comment: In a recent British poll, George Bush was second to OBL and ahead of Kim Jong-Il as the person most threatening to world peace.)
The hour-long film was non-stop footage of various jihadist groups making anti-American and anti-Israeli statements. The translations of the jihadists were provided by Middle East Media Research Institute which, according to Source Watch, is connected to Israeli intelligence organizations and Christian evangelicals and is funded in part by the right wing Olin Foundation.
E.D.’s interview with the producer, Wayne Kopping, included a question regarding the funding of the movie, to which Kopping responded that it was “completely independent.” (Comment: Kopping is a very devout Jew who has also done a very pro-Israel movie “Relentless.” Shouldn’t E.D.have asked him about his “objectivity” in doing a movie about Islam?) He also noted that this jihadist propaganda is shown almost all the time on Middle Eastern TV.
Comment: It’s not suprising that Fox, as a propaganda network, would show a propaganda movie complete with many of the so-called “pundits” who are Fox “Middle East experts.” The movie was clearly not a scholarly examination of a movement that is a response, in part, to American and Israeli policy. While someone from the Israeli Sassoon Institute was interviewed, there was only one comment from an Islamic scholar who defined Jihad as an “internal struggle” – which was then debunked by the “pundits.” Absent was any historical perspective on the mid-twentieth century rise of the Islamic Brotherhood. Absent were any references to the Shatilla massacre and the plight of those in refugee camps.
While E.D. did some perfunctory “disclaimers” such as “most Muslims are peaceful” she then completed the sentence by saying that “while that may be true, how many are not?” In previewing an upcoming segment she used the words “shocking, hateful, and unbelievable.” She referenced a Fox poll that showed that 70% of Americans feel that there will be an all out war with Islam in the next 20 years. The film footage of the jihadists gave no background on who or how significant they were. A clip was shown of some “radical” shouting on a street corner in NY City with perhaps 5 curious on-lookers!
E.D. summed it up by saying “as we have just seen, the threat is close to us. It’s worth repeating that most Muslims are peaceful; but radical Muslims want to kill us.” She then directed viewers to the Fox website for more information in case they weren’t sufficiently scared. But I thought Bush has made us safe. It’s so confusing.
Many things are worrying, including those things that have contributed to the rise of "radical Islam" and to its growth among the abused and ignored who are becoming increasingly desperate.
They are right to a degree . The US does want to rule the entire planet . The war on terror is against Islamic radicals so you can see them starting to say it's against Islam which is a half truth. It's really sad when you see that type of brainwahsing of hatred.