If there ever was a throw away bible, it is the New World Translation bible. I got to thinking this morning about how many I once had when I was a JW. Here is the list as best as I can remember...
1 old green hardback NWT with the dinosaur on the inside cover
1 family NWT bible deluxe edition, (this one was as tall as a bound volume, but nearly as thick as two bound volumes)
1 black leather bound NWT before the reference column was added
2 black leather bound NWTs with the reference columns (one for service bag and one for meetings)
1 black leather mini NWT
1 red leather mini NWT
1 black hard cover NWT
1 black hard cover NWT in German
1 black hard cover NWT in Spanish
That's a total of 9 NWT bibles. I also had an assortment of King James Bibles, American Standard Version, Scholfield Reference Bible, and a couple of others, and the other JW bibles (Diaglott, A purple one that I can't remember the name of, Revised Standard Version).
I kept the green one and the lesser used black leather one when I threw out all the JW literature.
So how many NWTs do you think you have owned? How many do you have left?
It makes me wonder if I thought by having many bibles, it somehow made me more spiritual...