Thank you Danny for that summary of the unprofessional job God's Mouthpiece did on the tract. I agree. The heading is something you'd see on the front cover of either The National Enquirer or Weekly World News!
by Mary 142 Replies latest jw friends
Anitar: You made a good point about hypocritical tracts. The entire universe knows about the child abuse coverups. I remember when the WT gleefully pointed out the the Catholic Church had so many case of priests abusing children that they had to set up and "800" number to handle all the calls. I think the WT should do the same, but that would bankrupt them in 5 months. I almost puked when I saw that item about false religion being known because it harbors child molesters. Percentage wise, the WT had the greatest amount of pedophiles than any other religion, and according to some studies, more than the WORLD IN GENERAL. I don't know what the rest of you think, but I think it's pathetic when a religion that holds itself up to the world as the cleanest religion on earth and therefore that's the proof that they alone are "God's Organization", and then breaks 90% of the rules in the Bible. Do they honestly believe that others don't see through this bullshit? Then why are so many JW's leaving??
Since my daughter was molested and raped, I found this tract particularly offensive. I've mentioned dozens of times that I'd love to kill those responsible. Many may consider me "mentally disturbed" for this wish, but many women I've met told me they'd load my gun for me. ONE ELDER TOLD ME IF HIS CHILD WAS RAPED, HE'D KILL THE MOLESTER EVEN IF HE SAT IN PRISON TILL HE DIED AND LOST ETERNAL LIFE!! Now how is THAT for sympathy for my cause???
These tracts are worthless except for use in an outhouse. I know many think I'm a little too blunt and spiteful, but I'd like to remind everyone that if it happened to you, you might feel differently. Danny Hazard knows what I mean. This has taken years off my life, cost me my wife and child, cost up over $100,000, and I lost my home and a car and went bankrupt, all due to this issue. I know I can't sue the WT and win, but I will try.
We can still contact local papers that run columns on religion. Many parts of the world, and the USA as well, have no love for the WT. The southern Bible belt is mostly Baptist. Florida might be a little more progressive because over half its residents are from the North and they brought their ideas with them. But most here don't like the JW's. All we have to do is buy a SL pin, wear it, and explain what happened. SL also had easy to carry pamphlets to hand out. There are ex-JW support groups in every area, and if you can't find one, you can start one.
I urge everyone to STILL hound Dr. Phil and Oprah so that Bill Bowen can get on their shows. I mean no disrespect for either TV host, but I've seen a hell of a lot less interesting things on their shows than exposing WT pedophiles and saving the children. If all these celebrities are donating time and money to Africa, then they should be able to host SL or Randy on a one hour show within the next year. I'm sure their ratings would skyrocket, although that's not our purposely entirely. WE WANT TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN.
If you are a JW, you support a child-raping cult. Rev. warns what will happen if you don't "get out of her, my people". Well, you aren't God's people. If you are studying or thinking of it, go to SL and read what one person told a JW who wanted to study with him. He mentioned the child abuse scandal and the elder got angry, clammed up and left. I thought they were appointed by holy spirit, which cannot make mistakes. What happened? Didn't Russell and Freddie speak from beyond the grave and give accurate information?
To the WT: If you don't fix this problem within the ultimatum time I'm going to give you in my next letter to you, it will be all out war. I and others have money, time, educations, were high up in the WT ranks, and are Internet experts. You cannot win. The harder you fight, the more money you wasted and the move evil you will look when you lose. Your lawyers can't help you, especially if they are dead from old age. And the countries in other areas like Russia, Africa, etc., and NOT allowing you legal status. You don't deserve it. Your history of lying in Mexica with the marching card, changing what a brother can do to avoid the military, the Heart "talking" with the brain (what asshole thought that one up??) and all the other nonsense you've done will fry you in court. You love to brag you've won at the Supreme Court most of the time. That will soon stop, or I'll help remove the politicians that defend you.
You can DF me. If you do, all names, addresses, phone numbers, SS numbers, pictures, and any other information that I can hack off the Internet will be published. There are 6 million of you lunatics. There are 6 BILLION who never heard of you, or hate you, or left you. Now we all know why you don't do public debates as was mentioned on another part of a thread. You know you can't win.
You might fool the third world people a little longer. But in the US we have the Internet. Just as the .45 pistol was the "great equalizer", which is why I have many, the Internet is also the "great equalizer". You can the "quotes" website shut down, but the same one opened in England and I downloaded all the pages. You'll never catch us or stop us. Right always wins. Since you don't know what it feels like to be "right", then you might as well quit while you are not totally destroyed. Maybe some Muslims or other extreme minorities will get tired of your garbage, especially if you hurt them, and annililate you once and for all.
I challenge you to be honest, WT. I challenge you on all fronts. My degree in Psych will add much credence to my book. It will not be ranting and raving, but a very scientifically controlled analysis of who and why people join the WT. It's not because you have the truth, it's because most of these people were at a emotionally/psychologically low point in their lives, and you were "instant family". I can ask all the questions I want to before baptism, but afterward if I do so, I'm toast. How can anyone learn 130 years of your sordid, dishonest, and crackpot history in the year before they get baptized? They are having too much fun going to the JW parties (yes, on Thanksgiving Day too), being invited for dinner, being matched up if you are single and there is a single sister (gee, where can I find any of those?) available. All a new person needs is a clean body (after baptism) and a job to sister Cult can punch out 2 or 3 babies and go out in service. (Oh, sorry, I meant to learn the name of every clerk at Dunkin' Donuts, where every laundry room is in every apartment, how to start your time at 5 am by asking your non-JW mother/father/dog/whatever if they want a Bible study.
Well, maybe some lurkers will learn something. I certainly hope so. I don't like being a wise guy, but the WT deserves it due to the name-calling and smart-ass comments they and the publishers always make. "An eye for an eye." Now, where did I read that........?
Hey Mike, I know I'll be the first to buy your book :)