Lett briefly addresses the child abuse issues in new JW.org video

by Richard_I 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • StrongHaiku

    I grow tired of being the whipping-boy for anything that goes wrong within the "Organization". The "Organization" set the policies, they set the rules, they enforce them. Apostates didn't cause this problem, the GB did! I am tired of the "Organization" placing the blame for their own mistakes on Christendom, Satan, "The World", ex-JWs, and any other conspiracy/group they make up.

    I grow tired of JW apologists, when finally confronting the facts, saying "we'll, they are after all imperfect men". If the GB are imperfect men, then they need to ACT like they are. You know what an adult does when they make a mistake? They accept responsibility, apologize, show up in court to give an accounting, and do everything their power to fix the problem. You know what a child does? They hide it, justify it, blame someone else, and lie.

    The GB are like the kid from that "Twilight Zone" episode "It's a Good Life"... They have the power of a "god" with the impulses of a child. Frightening.

  • thedepressedsoul

    lol anything negative in JW land, it must be the apostates. Everyone else's fault but their own.

  • 7Starz
    It makes you wonder if this is their way of responding to the PBS News hour story that just ran on TV a few nights ago and also the NPR broadcasts...
  • user100
    lett looks like a pedo
  • OrphanCrow

    When someone is guilty as hell about something and they don't know how to get out of it, their best defense is a good offense. In this case, it is their only defense.

  • OnTheWayOut
    An individual JW should be able to view the news reports and weigh the evidence or propaganda for himself.
    Truth is not afraid of the lies. A lover of truth holds the lies up to the light and examines them.
  • EndofMysteries
    Look or freezeframe Letts facial expressions when he is talking about the abuse claims being lies and apostate, etc. You can see the wolf behind the sheeps clothing there.
  • thedepressedsoul
    Reading how JW are spinning this on FB is making me sick. They are honestly viewing these pedophile cases as persecution.
  • Oubliette

    WC: @ 3:30 Lett states in greedy sort of Freudian slip, "God wants us to make deposits, NOT withdrawls........"

    I don't think that was a slip, I believe it was intentional. Are you familiar with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

    While the general scientific opinion is that NLP is pseudoscience, I have repeatedly noticed the use of NLP techniques in WT literature, way too much to be coincidental or unintentional.

  • redvip2000

    think about the apostate-driven lies and 'dishonesties' that Jehovah's organization is permissive toward pedophiles.

    He couldn't have put it in a more subjective way. What's permissive for some might not be permissive for the organization.

    He should have addressed the specific points. Is is true that the organization makes no effort to contact authorities about such cases unless absolutely required? Is it true that unless there are two witnesses to this crime or a confession, no real action is taken? Is it true that elders do not warn other parents of the accusations, unless there are two witnesses or a confession?

    So say that apostates thing the organization is permissive and that they don't agree with this, is pretty much useless and ambiguous.

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