A talk was given by GB member David Splane in the February 2015 JW Broadcasting Video. He talks about unity and sings the praises of JWs. He points his finger at the Catholics and says this about them (39.32)-
<<Who have applied Paul’s counsel today? The Catholic Church? During WW2 in the City of Rome there were Jews and there were Romans. How did the Romans treat the Jews? The Vatican and pious Italian Catholics looked silently by whilst 7,500 Jews were hauled off to the concentration camps in Ulswitch and few returned alive. What a contrast with Jehovah’s people who have risked their lives on behalf of fellow believers in many countries, no matter what their race, no matter what their nationalities Doesn’t it make you feel good to belong to an organization where there truelly are no foreigners?. They never said a word>>
I know that most of the time their choice of examples are so poor in proving their point but this example is crazy, if not untruthful. I always thought that the Catholic Church did a lot to help hide and look after Jews.
He forgot to mention that there were also JWs in Rome at this time. Could he say how the JWs stood up for the Jews? Were the leaders encouraging JWs to hide and feed Jews? They would never even consider doing such a thing.
He contrasts the idea that JWs look after their own whereas nothing he said explained how the Catholics weren’t also looking after their own.