I've done it again!I've sent the wrong text on my phone to totally the wrong person - only this time it was about my sis in law - and i sent it to her by mistakeLOL! Shes shuning me in public and for the fourth day my sons been really upset cos he wants to play with his cousin after school(hes in the same class), so i get upset and texted my hubby to ask her whats going on cos i'm fed up with it all and its not fair on the boys etc and can they play together ornot cos i need to know what to tell my son etc, and who do i send it to but her!OOps hasnt replied either so i think i may have done it now! Does anyone else do this or am i the only dippy one when it comes to phone messaging? Can't wait to go to school tomorrow should be interesting!
careful who you send text messages to!
by dobbie 13 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Foibled Phone Follies. What fun!
Once I sent a text to my out of town husband saying "I want an after sex cigarette" and he thougth I sent it to the wrong person. But I really meant to send it to him meaning I wanted sex and a cigarette and he thought I meant that I had sex somehow and now wanted a cigarette... that took some explaining to fix.
Does anyone else do this or am i the only dippy one when it comes to phone messaging? Can't wait to go to school tomorrow should be interesting!
Dobbie, when it comes to cell phones, I'm not the greatest person to ask how to work them. I have one of the oldest cheapest models, and I don't care if I get a newer one! It's all I can do to keep up with the functions on the one that I have. I don't need a new one; I'd be dumbfounded all over again. I bought my daughter a Razor phone for her birthday. This was upgraded from the last birthday phone, which was still better than mine! That girl had 3000 text messages on her phone (between using the computer and the phone)! I don't know how to text message. Well, I have done it before; but I couldn't tell you when it was.
No, you're not dippy, Dobbie! It's those darn-fangled-techno gizmos that are dippy!
A friend of mine’s dog got hit by a car and I sent a text to him offering to help him take care of the dog. It’s said something to the affect of "If you want me to help with your dog let me know. Sorry about what happened to him".
I sent it to my ex-wife….. who has a dog. She called me back all freaked thinking something happened to her dog.
your topic reminds mo of the time a young couple were gossiping about how unloving our congregation was and how the PO hadn't even said hello (they'd recently joined). Only they didn't realize their cell phone had accidently rung the PO and he overheard their entire conversation. He never let on though
Oh my gosh, that's totally something I would do!
I worked at a bank for quite a long time in a department that saw it's share of (I'm sorry to say) really idiotic people who had no right being hired for that position. (The Officer of that department was a real pushover for charity cases. It was the accounting department of a bank for crypes sake, once they hired a girl who had to ask how to turn on the computer the first day. ). My friend and I, who had to put up with these people, fix their mistakes and all around have to do twice as much work because of them, would work out our frustration by emailing eachother cryptic snotty messages about these people. One girl... who we referred to as "Chow Chow the Wonder Mutt" (ok, we were mean, but this was supposed to be private and she was sooooo DUMB) had made so many stupid mistakes one day and my friend and I were messaging back and forth. Next thing I know, my friend goes dashing to this girls computer (she wasn't at her desk at the moment thank goodness) and does some clicking. Come to find out she accidently emailed her a remark meant for me. Needless to say the snotty emailing stopped for awhile... but just for awhile.... ha ha!
No- really, I am a nice person! I just have strange ways of working out my frustrations!
I worked in a department and there was a woman that looked like the kid on the label of Cambells soup. So behind her back some called her the Cambell Soup Kid. Anyway someone wrote a note that they would not help the cambell soup kid because she wasn't even trying to get caught up. Well the note got stuck with some other papers and photocopied and sent do different departments. Finally someone in a different departement called our department to ask what the ' cambell soup memo' was about. And wouldn't you know it.... the Cambell Soup girl got the phone call!!
I was talking about my sister in laws parents, who were visiting us at the time, in a text and meant to send it to a friend but sent it to her by mistake. Fortunately she thought I was joking when I said 'only two more days to go then I'm free.' OOPS
Back when my ex-wife was starting to go out drinking all the time, she always took my mobile phone with her.
Except... one night... She left it at home.
Probably around 11:00p I get a text message to the effect of "I want your sexy lips around my c@%#!"
I remained calm and simply wrote back "Dude, this is a dude." The response back was that it was apparently some girl I'd met. Of course, it was a BS cover story. My response was along the lines that I didn't know what she (he) was talking about, because I didn't. This went on for a bit before I just dropped it and told her (him) to quit messaging me.
When my ex-wife came home, I told her about it and she hesitated for a bit before saying she knew that that had happened, but that it was a joke between her and a guy that worked at the bar she was at. I filed it away, but dropped it. I knew there was more to it, but I also knew it would be useless to press the issue, go crazy jealous, etc.
Lesson: If you're going to cheat on your husband, don't let the person you're cheating on him with send text messages to his phone, especially not about what he wants to do to you.