How do I deal with my hatred?

by nicolaou 27 Replies latest social family

  • 144001


    I can totally relate to your feelings, as I still have similar feelings, decades later. Counseling helps, but so far, for me, the anger remains. At a minimum, you must strive to manage it. Activities have helped me to channel the anger into something positive, but nevertheless, it's still there. Good luck to you!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I know exactly how you feel,I too realize being angry all the time is not healthy for the mind or soul as well as relationships. In the past I thought I had it beat. Been at it a long time. I beleive if you forgive someone and then one day you run into a situation that brings back all those hateful feelings have you really forgiven them. The problem is you can't forgive them because they don't acknowledge theyve even done anything wrong and the stupid behaviour and comments continue. It's a catch 22 situation that is difficult to walk away from because your family is involved. I've thought everything out and even thought that time would heal all but it's not happening either. I'm thinking now, that therapy and things like this board are more helpful to produce better coping stategies. I also think for people born into this crapola have the hardest time to let go. Good luck, i'm right where you are buddy

  • avidbiblereader

    I too use to hate them, then it started to fade, we are inheritantly human and want fellowship. It is not easy to deal with it and that is why they use it. I once read an email that talked of a Indian Chief with his grandson, he was telling his grandson that he has two wolves that reside in him. One that is tame, gentle, kind and very friendly, the other is ravenous, angry, full of hatred and wants to kill. The little boy asked his grandfather, which one wins? The grandfather says, "the one that I feed".

    Let hatred alond and saturate yourself in finding yourself within God's love, not the anger and hatred that this is and has fostered for so many. Let it go or CAN destroy you, as Paul said in Ephesians 4: 26b,27

    Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

    Let it go or they win! Pray about it like you never prayed before.

  • nicolaou

    avidbiblereader - I appreciate your sincerity and that your comments are motivated out of a genuine desire to offer assistance and empathy. Thank you for that. However, has the irony of the situation escaped you?

    My family are shunning me out of respect for 'god's laws' and for the direction laid down in his 'word'. You'll see me wearing a full length, sequin encrusted, tafeta ball gown before I ever turn to the bible for advice.


  • Finally-Free

    I don't know if I can honestly call this "dealing" with my hatred, but I've been making a conscious effort to avoid reading threads that focus on the abusive behaviour of JWs. I try to avoid thinking about it. The stress, hate, and anger I feel toward the JWs has taken it's toll on my health, and it's time for that to stop. Just because I let those bastards ruin my life doesn't mean I have to let the anger and hatred kill me. I cannot let them win, and that means that, first and foremost, I have to take care of my health.

    Don't let the hatred f*ck up your health as mine has done to me. None of the JWs are worth it.


  • JH

    Just kick the garbage can, it might feel good...

  • Gordy


    Know the feeling well.

    Not spoken to my JW and two daughters for 5 years now.

    Thank God, other members of my family got out of their clutches.

    I'm sure your family members are going through some anguish as well.

    Hang in there. They (Elders) want to see you dragged down by it.

    Don't give them the satisfaction.

  • DannyHaszard

    Every single one of my jehovah's witnesses psychopath perpetrators will grow old and die possibly unsaved at that.

    You bastards now contemplate your mortal rotting flesh to come, as your watchtower masters say you don't go to heaven.Danny Haszard

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