I got in officially in November of 1963 when I was baptised at the Cleburne, Texas assembly. I'd been associated since about 1958/9.
I got out in 1978/79. Judicial committee cut me loose.
The way in consisted of having Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrate to me that there was considerable false information and hypocricy in Christendom. I lost confidence in what I had been told, taught and believed.
Today, I believe that is also the way out of Jehovah's Witnesses!
There is a demonstrable amount of false information and hypocricy among Jehovah's Witnesses.
But, just as members of Christendom defend their hypocricy; so too do Jehovah's Witnesses using the same arguments of rationalization and deflection.
If it isn't about what is TRUE, then, what is it about? It is about being right. It is about being consistent with what is right. Hypocricy demonstrates a willingness to have it both ways at once and deny there is conflict.
Christendom takes a demonstrably pagan holiday like Christmas and loudly insists it honors the true god and his son. Their is no dishonor, they claim, in making a silk purse out of the sow's ear.
Jehovah's Witnesses insist that their setting dates for Armageddon was mere eagerness for God's will to be done even though it misrepresented the facts and set people into motion contrary to their own best interests. It defamed the name of Jehovah by saying it was "God's" date and not their own. It brought reproach. Big Deal, say the JW's. Get over it.
The bible is held up as the touchstone of veracity in testing doctrine by both Christendom and Jehovah's Witnesses. Yet, both misrepresent the actual history of how oral tales came to be canon. Both ignore the multiplicity of competing stories equally revered and regarded as inspired which were voted out. Bible historians do not present the same pristine and untampered evidence of political intrigue, infighting and backpeddling which brought us the bible as we now know it. Why? Because both groups need some big stick of AUTHORITY to "prove" their orthodoxy.
The way in is the way out. How?
By seeing what is dissonant with facts one can question the rigorous insistance by hard-headed people that only THEIR view is correct and everybody else is dead wrong. By seeing not just one side is wrong, but; that ALL SIDES bear the burden of hypocritical self-blindness, you can get out of the mind trap of social comfort.
The way out, then, is to see historical evidence for what it brings to light and how that illuminates the cover-ups which promote a particular brand-name religion as the be-all and end-all of God's approval.
In the time of Jesus the religion of Judaism was split into many factions all arguing with each other as to who was more righteous. In the time of Paul nothing had changed. Paul only added yet another faction to the pitbulls in the fighting arena! Remember, there was no New Testament for either Jesus or Paul.
It is the boys in the backroom who voted on and got the politically correct books branded with official imprimatur.
The arguments weren't settled then and they aren't going to ever be settled no matter how people vote on what is true.
The way out is to free yourself from believing in the fairy tale that there is any magic book handed to mankind directly by a God inspiring and protecting the purity of truth within.
We only have men's opinions. That's all we ever had.
Why become a party to buying in to men's opinions and pretending it is historically proved to be God's unyielding truth?
THE WAY OUT is to not join up in the first place.