What is required from us? The two most important things are to love God and to love your neighbor, following Jesus' example.
Since we already know that all God requires from us is love (and the respect that accompanies it of course) why do JWs feel they are "chosen" when they espouse hate?
Interesting that I have been asked to "push" the love part in field service, and told that the rest is "too much for them to understand at first." In other words LIE!
"We must hate (the Disfellowshipped person) in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme active aversion, to consider (the Disfellowshipped person) as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." (The Watchtower October 1st 1952 Issue, Page 599)
Is this the kind of "love" you want to offer your neighbor?